putting america first....oh boy

jeff f

New Member

his first priority is jobs! no seriously, thats what the big eared dunce has said.

maybe would should change uncle sam to a canadian mountie?

i honestly think this guy is borderline trig. somebody needs to find his college grades and forget about looking for his birth certificate. this fucker is colosally stupid.:clap:

oh, and at least he is doing his part with his carbon footprint. the fucking irony.....


Well-Known Member
Obama is Win. & We don't know or understand 80% of the issues on his table that steer his decisions so when people have something negative to say its due to a lack of knowledge on the issue. The Man is Intelligent & How the Politics works above our heads. <3


Well-Known Member
Obama is Win. & We don't know or understand 80% of the issues on his table that steer his decisions so when people have something negative to say its due to a lack of knowledge on the issue. The Man is Intelligent & How the Politics works above our heads. <3
Thats the fallacy, they want you to think that things are much more complex then they actually are, that way you speak up when they F us.

jeff f

New Member
It is more complicated than you know, If you deny that it is your arrogance.
he is the president of USA. we are in the middle of an economic meltdown and have been since 2008. HE BOUGHT A CANADIAN BUS.

please explain the "complexities" on the issue. i mean, being as its so complicated and all......baffoonery


Well-Known Member
Not talking about any specific instance. But it is a Fact that the inner workings of politics & when it gets up to the presidential level, is above our heads. Regardless of the Little issues people pick @.. Oh my Secret Service Bought Obama 2x Buses! Well Jay Z just spent 100k on a bottle of champagne.. Our Country Could Be Ran Worse.. I mean, Remember Bush?


Well-Known Member
the buses were bought by the secret service. they said they've been in need of this type of vehicle for over 20 years.

for the longest time, especially during campaign season, the secret service has LEASED buses, and each time it has to retro-fit it with the type of technology that ensures safety and complete 100% communication in case of emergency.

this move is expected TO SAVE TAXPAYER'S money. because instead of every few years leasing a new bus, and retro-fitting it with the technology over and over.... they'll buy 2 buses, retro-fit them ONCE, and use these buses for 10 years, maybe more...

of course, any move by the government while obama is president is obviously undermining our national pride, a move to destroy our country, an attempt against christianity...

instead of a fiscally responsible investment.... lol....


Well-Known Member
Well hell its only been 3 years into talking about about jobs in this country. The mother fucker sure has created alot of jobs in China. And more moving out everyday.


Well-Known Member
I wish the Republicans would start talking about jobs. They haven't seemed to care about jobs since election day. Looks like the Speaker of the House is going to lose his job over it. He hasn't done anything.

What have the Republicans done since assuming responsibility for the House? Nothing. Check out the opinion polls. 1 and done Speaker is a reality.

Speaker Pelosi. Man will I laugh my ass off if so.


Well-Known Member
Yea it would be nice if the senate would at least read the bills before putting them on the shelf or maybe odumbass would quite threating to veto anything he don't like. 2 to 1 aint much of a fight. Oh it is for the democrats right?


Well-Known Member
Yea it would be nice if the senate would at least read the bills before putting them on the shelf or maybe odumbass would quite threating to veto anything he don't like. 2 to 1 aint much of a fight. Oh it is for the democrats right?
Been going on for centuries. Why does it all of a sudden piss you off now that it is a political hacks talking point?


Well-Known Member
Have you tried building Luxury Buses in the USA lately? Talk about a government regulated industry. The cost would have been double the Canadian rate due to all the BS involved.