Putting my auto on 12/12 for its last week of flower?


Well I have an auto that's gonna be done in 7-10 days.

The problem is that I have another plant that was supposed to be auto, but it never auto'd. I'm going away for 3 weeks in 9 weeks time so I really need to get my other plant to start flowering if I want to have it done in time.

Can anyone experienced with autos tell me what might happen if I put my auto on 12/12 for the last 10 days or so? It's been on 18/6 the whole time.


sweet. think im gonna go ahead and do it unless anyone can chime in with a reason why not?

also.. the "auto" came from nirvana.. heard a lot of shit about their autos not going auto.


Well-Known Member
Auto's have the ruderalis auto flowering gene. Meaning they are maturity sensitive not time sensitive for flowering. And im not sure what skunkmonkey means that a lot of people grow autos on 12/12 thats bull shit please show me one grow that somebody uses 12/12 for auto's and il show u an idiot. They dont and if they do there should do some more research.


Well-Known Member
Umm ya but why? Your gonna be losing 8 hours of photosynthesis a day wont be a significant yield lost by might be something.


Active Member
Auto's have the ruderalis auto flowering gene. Meaning they are maturity sensitive not time sensitive for flowering. And im not sure what skunkmonkey means that a lot of people grow autos on 12/12 thats bull shit please show me one grow that somebody uses 12/12 for auto's and il show u an idiot. They dont and if they do there should do some more research.
i hate confrontational posts. but check it out. you have 7-10 days left til they finish, meaning youve been running them on their RECCOMMENDEDD 20 hours a day. there are plenty of people who (yes including me on my last grow) who bought non auto seeds and got given autos for free. i ran them at their 20/4 along with my other vegging plants for 45 days then switched to flowering. unless youre growing a whole crop of autos and only autos... dont worry about it. it wont effect your yield by much if any at all since its the final 7-10 days. its the final week and in reality some people use the last week/few days in straight darkness for crystal production. in autos you always get the short end of the stick anyway with yield because the average or even some experienced growers arent running 1-1000 watt for each and every plant. were runnin mostly 400's-600's with a half dozen plants.

point being, unless youve got most of your plants autos, and even if you did since its the last 7-10... fuck it. put your normal plants into flowering. especially because ive seen 8 week plants have that 9-10 week phenotype. or god forebid, something happen and sets them back a week. youll be straight, your girls will be fine and after theyre fine theyre gorgeous and isnt that what the whole point is in growing. theoritically.

happy harvest my friend, and i hope i at least helped you out a little.