Q for Photographers: How can i get some nice pics of my bud with a DSLR


Well-Known Member
Set to Manual settings, put a nug under natural sun light or white light. Set your f-stop"aperture" to the lowest number which actually makes your lens open wider when taking a photo, next adjust your shutter speed until your cameras internal light meter says your balanced. Now zoom OUT all the way and them move the camera close to the bud and adjust the lens until you have a clear picture. "YOU MUST USE A TRIPOD" or have the camera setting on a desk with the bud positioned in front of it. Now snap a few photos at the current settings, then without moving the camera from its spot, adjust your shutter speed up one notch take a few photos, and then drop it 2 notches " 1 under the original" and take a few shots. You are sure to have a few winners.


Active Member
Don't set your "f-stop" on the lowest setting. That's wide angle, yes BUT the focus length is very narrow. So a lot of your photo in the foreground and background will be out of focus. If you use a higher "f-stop" you will get more focal length, more of the picture depth in focus. But the problem this makes is that your lens aperature (sp?) is now more closed letting in less light. You have to balance this with shutter speed and available light. I don't use a tripod and am in a real cramped space but I get decent pictures. Use "RAW" format on your camera if you have it.



Active Member
simply take your plant outdoors (if you can) and put the DSLR in AUTO mode and snap away.

like "quiet guy" already said, zoom all the way OUT and bring your camera forward until the desired shot is obtained. this is what most people screw up on. The camera in AUTO mode will do the rest of the guesswork. and yeah, you DON'T need a tripod outdoors. the shutter speed will be way faster than your hand will be able to shake the shot.


Well-Known Member
I better not try to become a doctor cuz my hands must be shaky as all hell, lol I cant take a single picture unless im at like f8 and .15/sec shutter speed w/o a tripod or I get blur. You guys have those steady hands.


Active Member
I better not try to become a doctor cuz my hands must be shaky as all hell, lol I cant take a single picture unless im at like f8 and .15/sec shutter speed w/o a tripod or I get blur. You guys have those steady hands.
Take a picture like you fire a gun... Take a deep breath and slowly breathe out while pulling the trigger then kick that SOB and smack him up a.... oh wait, damn this weed is good. We were talking about pictures.