Quality Clones in Canada- Nine Leaf Clover

Spliffy Twojoints

Active Member
Not sure if this thread is in the right place, I couldn’t find a category for clone retailers, only seed retailers.

I responded to someone looking for clones in Canada the other day, but really feel the subject needs its own thread because virtually every reply was discouraging the OP from getting clones and all recommended seeds instead. I grow both from seed and clone and I clone what grows from my seeds. I see the advantages of both options of sourcing genetics so I thought it was unfair that no one offered any helpful advice, just because they didn’t like to grow from clones and the different challenges they may face.

As the title suggests, this thread is to discuss clone retailers in Canada. My own personal experience so far has only been with Nine Leaf Clover and I’d really like to give them full props!

I virtually never rave about any type of product or service, because I find most products and services disappointing at best.
That said, I can’t say enough positive things about Nine Leaf Clover. I am absolutely not affiliated and I’m nothing more than an extremely satisfied customer.
I have ordered several times, each time ordering multiple strains and each time receiving a freebie strain.

I decided to write this thread today because I just ordered from them again, and the freebie they offered was a choice (1 of 2) of their elite clones! To be clear, I ordered one elite and two premium, total coming in under $300 before tax, only to be offered a freebie valued at easily that much.
They essentially have two price tiers, premium and elite. Premium selections tend to be from $25-$50 per clone and elite selections tend to be from $150-$350 each. Please don’t quote me on the prices, they may well have something going for $400 but they also have sales too.

I have ordered in the winter and the summer, spring and fall too as I grow indoor and out with zero delivery issues, every clone survived! Incidentally, they send you double what you order just to increase the chances that you will get a healthy surviving clone.

I am extremely careful and paranoid about bringing bugs, mold, etc. into my indoor area, which is the main argument against bringing clones into your indoor space. However, I have had absolutely zero issues from NLC clones.
I am by no means a beginner and I am able to recognize and deal with as many issues as these amazing plants can have. Over the years I have dealt with (and learned from) spider mites, thrips, aphids, powdery mildew and fungus gnats in my indoor grow. Currently dealing with septoria on the outdoor grow and it was very difficult to narrow down and identify positively.
All those indoor issues were before I ordered any clones, but I did get the aphids and PM from a friend’s clones. After realizing that eradicating some major pests can be tedious but can be done fairly easily, I decided to take the risk of buying clones and of course incorporating an isolation procedure every time just to be sure. So far it has proved to be a waste of time isolating the clones from NLC, but as a matter of good practice I will continue to do so.

Their stock rotates but I’m not sure how often. I will say that they have a very nice, sweet Pink Kush that seems to have been on there for longer than anything else. Although not my personal favourite (more sweet than Kush), still a very nice smoke.

As far as personal favorites, I have kept two mothers from NLC. One is a very fuel-like Runtz and the other is a top shelf Sunset Sherbet. I believe they were both premium.
I don’t think they carry either one of them anymore and I don’t think there’s much point in mentioning the other strains I have got from them that they no longer carry, but if anyone’s interested I could look back and let you know.

I will say that my current order is : Cake Bomb, Glitter Bomb, Permanent Marker. As a freebie I chose Lemonatti.

As I mentioned, I don’t have anything to do with this company, I just find their value and legitimate products amazing. I spoke with the owner on several occasions when I was initially sceptical of the business and their products but found him to be extremely informed and straight forward. I really got the feeling he cares about what he’s doing as far as providing quality products in a market where it’s extremely difficult to find them. Whether that’s true or he’s only in it to advance his company, the end result is that as a consumer I feel like I have the kind of choices they only seem to have in the US.

Seeds are great, they are fun in their own way because you can get something completely unexpected that is still amazing. Sometimes you get exactly what you expect which is also awesome, but other times you don’t. If you don’t want to gamble and just want to get a product that suits your needs exactly, clones seem to be the best option.

I encourage anyone with positive or negative feedback from NLC or any other clone suppliers in Canada to please comment, reply etc. If there are other good suppliers out there I would love to find out about them and offer myself that much more variety. If there are places to beware and stay away, please let us know that too.

Please no arguments for seeds and against clones, I’ve already acknowledged there are pros to seeds and I happen to enjoy both styles of sourcing genetics so no need to convince me one way or the other.