Well-Known Member
This means there was no english version available when i tried to find one corresponding to the original:
Tell me if you like it.... M'well, i mean: if French-only law is fine with the reader(s). ... Also, take note of the date! After so much CoViD tele-work what's the reason for not providing both versions simultaneously to all public?? Or is the language barrier being instrumentalized once again in Canada's cannabis reform?... Go wonder.

In any case it was done relatively silently, but i bet that's one probable reason why the bigot anti-cannabic prohibition activists started to pop up last October - not to mention it probably coïncides with yet another addictionist-abstentionist "symposium" much as that of Halloween 2016, gathering 80+ "expert$"/"spe¢iali$ts", and by the way: the very same Nora Volkow who still has got her two hands in OUR pastry finally resurfaces - AGAIN! But who cares if nobody knows what's her timeline alike anyway.

Last week i happened to notice Didier Justras-Aswad during Radio-Canada "24/60" (Episode 211). He's a psychiatry guy who did attend as some high-profile participant to that same "scientific" fall '16 gathering; acting as "moderator" just the next year... So i can safely assume both of their focus is on "addiction" indeed - despite a cannabis context, which is odd if one also noticed the percentage of people with a "problem" = 2 %! M'yeah. And that's consistent with what i heard during Harper days from one of the LEAP founders, to the effect back then it was like ~2.2 % in USA, as i recall. So, in other words all of the fuzzy contraption was built on an exception rather than the majority.
But the children must be "saved" and hence lets drop all fair notions of proportions... aHummm! I call it "taboo-shield" when propaganda is reaching such magnitude. Too bad it was promising an epic lecture, calling consumers savvy freakish names to please mis-guided unworthy gurus, apparently unable to "scientifically" observe that 10 mg THC ain't the same in our stomach than it is if inhaled.
Who doesn't know except those that won't touch it?!
The next paradox after 21+ adults get over-billed/over-taxed: luxury/precious CBD!
Remember CBD was practically without value before... The annecdote here being that Didier Jutras-Aswad himself sort of questioned its therapeutical potential earlier last month, making it sound like a placebo (in case it's not clear enough!):
I'll translate approximately as follows:
I concur, ZERO effect. Euh... Of course, the key information resides right near the end while it says NOTHING about all other CBD ouside the SQdC. Talk about "professional" expertise!! Any "stoner$"/"droÿé$" could do better for free!

I regret the good old days when Justin's "Légaleezation" made many of us dream of cannabis getting removed from the hands of "justice" and "organized crime"; in at least 2 provinces today the legal burden gets transfered to the citizen's own shoulders instead, individuals now facing alone a machine built around "non-banalization" and beyond... Ready for the Supreme Court.
Meanwhile nobody thinks of Pest Control Products labelling on single-use plastic packages, plus a pressing need to recycle it!
Etc., etc.
In short i'm sure the report is about to turn into quite a contest trying to perfect ultimate absurdity. In The Name Of Children! ... 2 % of them, right?
They were supposed to fall like zombie flies before 2015, so what happened?
It inspires me this simple distortion of reality: why not the same "safety" aluminium cans as packaging for beer - ALL BEERS?! SQdC has them, why not the SAQ?...
One other annecdote: the word "trichome" NEVER appears in Québec's cannabis law linked above!
Peculiar, isn't it!...
« No publication matching "978-2-550-90268-3" was found. »
This means there was no english version available when i tried to find one corresponding to the original:
Publications du ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux
Rapport de mise en oeuvre 2018-2021 - Loi encadrant le cannabis - Octobre 2021
Tell me if you like it.... M'well, i mean: if French-only law is fine with the reader(s). ... Also, take note of the date! After so much CoViD tele-work what's the reason for not providing both versions simultaneously to all public?? Or is the language barrier being instrumentalized once again in Canada's cannabis reform?... Go wonder.

In any case it was done relatively silently, but i bet that's one probable reason why the bigot anti-cannabic prohibition activists started to pop up last October - not to mention it probably coïncides with yet another addictionist-abstentionist "symposium" much as that of Halloween 2016, gathering 80+ "expert$"/"spe¢iali$ts", and by the way: the very same Nora Volkow who still has got her two hands in OUR pastry finally resurfaces - AGAIN! But who cares if nobody knows what's her timeline alike anyway.

Last week i happened to notice Didier Justras-Aswad during Radio-Canada "24/60" (Episode 211). He's a psychiatry guy who did attend as some high-profile participant to that same "scientific" fall '16 gathering; acting as "moderator" just the next year... So i can safely assume both of their focus is on "addiction" indeed - despite a cannabis context, which is odd if one also noticed the percentage of people with a "problem" = 2 %! M'yeah. And that's consistent with what i heard during Harper days from one of the LEAP founders, to the effect back then it was like ~2.2 % in USA, as i recall. So, in other words all of the fuzzy contraption was built on an exception rather than the majority.
But the children must be "saved" and hence lets drop all fair notions of proportions... aHummm! I call it "taboo-shield" when propaganda is reaching such magnitude. Too bad it was promising an epic lecture, calling consumers savvy freakish names to please mis-guided unworthy gurus, apparently unable to "scientifically" observe that 10 mg THC ain't the same in our stomach than it is if inhaled.
Who doesn't know except those that won't touch it?!

The next paradox after 21+ adults get over-billed/over-taxed: luxury/precious CBD!
Remember CBD was practically without value before... The annecdote here being that Didier Jutras-Aswad himself sort of questioned its therapeutical potential earlier last month, making it sound like a placebo (in case it's not clear enough!):
I'll translate approximately as follows:
« It's not actually possible to determine with certainty that CBD has beneficial or therapeutical effects when consuming cannabis products from the SQdC. »
I concur, ZERO effect. Euh... Of course, the key information resides right near the end while it says NOTHING about all other CBD ouside the SQdC. Talk about "professional" expertise!! Any "stoner$"/"droÿé$" could do better for free!

I regret the good old days when Justin's "Légaleezation" made many of us dream of cannabis getting removed from the hands of "justice" and "organized crime"; in at least 2 provinces today the legal burden gets transfered to the citizen's own shoulders instead, individuals now facing alone a machine built around "non-banalization" and beyond... Ready for the Supreme Court.
Meanwhile nobody thinks of Pest Control Products labelling on single-use plastic packages, plus a pressing need to recycle it!
Etc., etc.
In short i'm sure the report is about to turn into quite a contest trying to perfect ultimate absurdity. In The Name Of Children! ... 2 % of them, right?
They were supposed to fall like zombie flies before 2015, so what happened?
It inspires me this simple distortion of reality: why not the same "safety" aluminium cans as packaging for beer - ALL BEERS?! SQdC has them, why not the SAQ?...

One other annecdote: the word "trichome" NEVER appears in Québec's cannabis law linked above!
Peculiar, isn't it!...
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