Question about buying weed

So this is my first time ever buying weed by myself and I just called my dealer he said it was gonna take a while cause they gotta bag all of it up for selling and he said he had A LOT so I was wondering does it really take that long to bag it all up he said an hour by the way


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So this is my first time ever buying weed by myself and I just called my dealer he said it was gonna take a while cause they gotta bag all of it up for selling and he said he had A LOT so I was wondering does it really take that long to bag it all up he said an hour by the way
First time buying weed ?
How old are we really ?

Garden Boss

Well-Known Member
So this is my first time ever buying weed by myself and I just called my dealer he said it was gonna take a while cause they gotta bag all of it up for selling and he said he had A LOT so I was wondering does it really take that long to bag it all up he said an hour by the way

I think the reason he is taking so long is a conspiracy

mr sunshine

Well-Known Member
Dude everyone's playing with you of course your drug dealer cares. Everyone that deals drugs cares about their customers . Its just the way it is if i had to guess.. i bet he lied to you and he's really looking threw his big bag to personally hand pick the frostiest nuggs know why ? Because he cares!!
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Well-Known Member
I have several material problems with this..If you have never bought weed how do you have a "my drug dealer" and your original post was way over an hour ago.Is he done? Did you score did you smoke wtf happened I hate these stories they never have an ending

mr sunshine

Well-Known Member
I have several material problems with this..If you have never bought weed how do you have a "my drug dealer" and your original post was way over an hour ago.Is he done? Did you score did you smoke wtf happened I hate these stories they never have an ending
His drug dealer has a heart of gold , im sure he came threw!

mr sunshine

Well-Known Member
What do you mean I don't get it u say he doesn't give a fuck about me its not like I been nagging him all day fuck boy
Lmao what kind of idiot thinks a drug dealer cares about him? Honestly do you suck your drug dealers dick or let him fuck you.. you seem angry that he doesnt care about you?

Commander Strax

Well-Known Member
how many pounds are you buying? it takes time to fill up those big bags

maybe your dope dealer is a meth head and is going to whack off before you come over and he knows how long that takes when you are high on the pipe!

maybe your dope dealer is a furry and he has to take off his costume and makeup first.

If your dealers name is Doer maybe he is busy defending the world from left wing bomb throwing liberals

does your dealer have a white board and takes devcoin?

I know that an hour seems like a long time when you are fresh out of the egg but really it is not all that long if you look at the big picture.

am I helping?