Question about Dutch Master Reverse/Saturator


Active Member
Hi everyone. I've got a weird question about the DM reverse and saturator. What color are the liquids? I did some research about it a couple months ago and ran across a picture somewhere of the Saturator (if I recall correctly) and I thought I remembered it being a bright greenish color. Both the Reverse and Saturator I have are exactly the same color - pink. I can't find that picture again to verify it was actually a pic of the saturator, can someone tell me what color the liquids should be? I ordered it online and am worried there may have been some kind of mixup. Thank you in advance :)


Well-Known Member
Have these items help in aiding to no hermies? How do you guys use them? I was thinking of picking some up. The saturator was formily known as Penetrator but is supposed to be % more effective...