Question about hair follicle testing...


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, need some help here. Got a job offer in north Dakota but I was told they do the hair follicle testing. I've never been tested in this sorta way so was wondering how long do I have to wait to accept the offer? I smoked yesterday (most recent) and usually no more than 2 times a week. Thanks in advance guys! :joint:
Hey guys, need some help here. Got a job offer in north Dakota but I was told they do the hair follicle testing. I've never been tested in this sorta way so was wondering how long do I have to wait to accept the offer? I smoked yesterday (most recent) and usually no more than 2 times a week. Thanks in advance guys! :joint:

You should use Google.

Hair holds evidence of drugs for a while i believe.

Well from the site theroomman suggested I have about 6 weeks to clean up my act. Given my deadline of 90 days I'll be in the clear. That's a good site btw. Also, I'd normally use google but wanted to hear from RIUers first.
there are shampoos that get around hair tests. Never heard of anyone using them, but I bet its not that hard to mask or remove
Well I have between 60-90 days to not smoke MJ since that's how far back they test to. Since I only smoke every once in a while (once a week to 2 xs a week) it'll be out of my system (in this case hair) within 60 days. Just gotta shave my head soon so the new growth pushes out all the old positive drug traces. Lol