ok this sunday my plants will be 14 weeks old these are my very first plant i have ever grown and i just learn about auto growing so these are photo grown plants this sunday also they will have been on 12/12 lighting and flowering for 7 weeks i don't have one of those scoop thing to check for the amber color where can i buy one ? and when is the best time to harvest should i wait another 5 weeks or less ? i'm in no hurry just wanted to know i read the cannabis grown bible by greg green and it says flowering is 10-12 weeks but i'm not sure a lot books could say one thing and it could be wrong so i wanted to ask since there is about 10% of the once white hairs are kind and orange-ish brown color i guess you can say amber the bud is 3 1/2 inches long and 1 /1/2 inches wide so i'm also so asking cause i heard you don't want it all to be amber and then i here yes wait for it to be all amber so i am really confused now on it well please help me out on this thank you