question about light and moving outdoor from indoor


Active Member
Hi all, first grow i've got four different strains a haze sativa dom, candy kush indica dom, fluffhead and girlscout cookie both hybrid. I have them under 24/0 they're almost two weeks and doing well (i think.) My question is I'm vegging for roughly 10 weeks before placing outside. So first is this a problem vegging any of these strains that long? 2... When should i start adding dark time to get them use to it don't want them to start flower as soon as i throw them outside and sure 24/0 isn't good for that long. Hope someone will be willing to help me with these beginner questions.
From what I've read might need more info I've got them under 4 6500k for veg and take them out in the sun when it's nice out. Happy frog and perlite medium and full line of ff nutes so far just big bloom and grow big.
Hi all, first grow i've got four different strains a haze sativa dom, candy kush indica dom, fluffhead and girlscout cookie both hybrid. I have them under 24/0 they're almost two weeks and doing well (i think.) My question is I'm vegging for roughly 10 weeks before placing outside. So first is this a problem vegging any of these strains that long? 2... When should i start adding dark time to get them use to it don't want them to start flower as soon as i throw them outside and sure 24/0 isn't good for that long. Hope someone will be willing to help me with these beginner questions.
Vegging that long I really question the 24/0. There's no need for it. 18/6 and save some money. Other than that either light schedule you'll be fine. But the longer the daylight the faster they grow. The faster they grow the more space you need between the pots. Air must circulate around your plants or they'll become tall lanky weak stems and when you move them out doors it will take a million stakes to hold it in place. If you manage that the middle of the plant will be so use to no light the odds of doing light damage is greater. Even a well maintained plant needs to be broke in to outdoor light. Back to needing more space. More space means more lights. By 8 weeks even with topping you should have a nice bush with more than a handful of main stems and a plant height somewhere around 12-16 inches tall and need about 1.5 square feet of floor space and the light that goes with. Odds are it will needed to be transplanted during that time also. If you plan it right I'd suggest starting them so they're at the point of needing a transplant when they're brought outside. So if you transplant inside they'll be 1.5 weeks or so where it's getting over stress rather than growing and it will go through it again when moved it outside. If they are staying in the pots ignore the last comment.
I personally don't do 24/0 it's really just a preference but I like to be somewhat natural 18/6 works just fine
Plus it'll cut down on your energy use too :)
K thanks guys I'll cut back on the light. i have plenty of room so that's not an issue. Have them in three gallon pots now and have tens to transfer into later. One more question? I'll post some pics they're a week and two days after i got them as clones. The candy kush has some weird twisting going on? Anything else you might be able to point at that's wrong would be greatly appreciated