Question about light during "Flower Cycle"


Well-Known Member
I'm on my 4th day of flowering and the pistils are showing really well. I grow in my closet and I have lights "ON" in my room at all times as this is were I chill at night. The closet doors have a slight crack and i'm not too sure if it's enough to let light penetrate through.. I hope not.
I know I can just go in my closet and check, but I have no one to help with turning on the lights once i'm inside.

My question, If just a very little amount of light does penetrate will it be enough to ruin the flowering cycle?

Heres a pic so you guys have an idea.
Sorry about the cell phone quality.



Active Member
I have the same problem with my closet and was told that it wasn't good to get any light penetration into the closet during the dark cycle while flowering. I went ahead and hung a dark color sheet over the entire closet - so basically I have to lift the sheet and then open the sliding door to get inside the grow space. I run my lights overnight so I don't know if it's preventing ALL light from getting in there during the day but it looks like a pretty solid setup so far (I'm about 7 days into flowering so I'm in the same spot as you). Maybe try hanging something over the cracks?


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the advice. I was high when I realized this and couldn't find a solution Lol, I will definitley hang a dark sheet over my closet doors.

Illegal Smile

Any light represents a risk. If you can, get in the closet, have someone put up the sheet, wait till your eyes adjust, and if you can see any light it is too much. You can buy blackout fabric at fabric stores and it is much better than any sheet. If you are doing dark during the day you should also put blackout fabric over the windows.


Active Member
if you can get in the closet or if it will break then get a camcorder and up it on then in the closet facing out and see if it shows a tint of light..try get a decent quality could probably do it with a camera on self timer if you took the flash off.