Question about lighting from indoor to outdoor


Active Member
Hi, I'm new so hopefully I'm starting this thread in the right place. My question is if I start girls inside, to get some extra veg time, and then when temps are good, move them outdoors (harden them off), what do I do about lighting. If I put them on 18/6 indoors, by the time they go out, the outdoor natural sunlight will only be at about 15-16 hours a day (mid-may), which will mean their light will be cut by 2-3 hours, will this kick them into flower? Or cause any other problems, ie. stress/stunuted growth, hermaphrodites? I read somewhere that you can cut their light by no more than 30 mins a week, without screwing them up. Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks


I'd say as long as it still gets 12 hours of uninterrupted light you'll be okay. Temperatures will be your concern in mid March... or if they're not... I want to move where you are ;) To be safe and not shock your plants try to keep temps low in your grow room and keep lights close to a 15/9 light schedule. It'll be a little slower, and it might stretch out (because the plant loves light). You can tie down these branches though and more tops will develop. But yeah, 12/12 lighting replicates Autumn natural sunlight and as we approach spring it will get lighter out... And once warm and outside those honeys will SHOOT up for a long time because mama nature won't go 12/12 for a long time. Look forward to pounds of pot :)


Oh my bad... Heh, same drill. I hear Canada bud grows really well outside (temperature providing) because of the long summer time sunshine. Greenhouse available, or just back yardin' these ladies?


Active Member
A little bit of everything, I like to keep them close when they re little, and then i'd say more bush than backyard once they get bigger, i can't wait for the spring thaw so I can get out and start digging!


Active Member
they do well around here, but i really want to grow a haze, any haze! just not long enough season here, unless I go in with them, but i prefer letting mother nature do her thing