Question about Males

so im a first time grower and had a little trouble spotting the males righ right away and was wondering how long it takes for male plants to polinate your whole crop


Well-Known Member
If one of those sacs opens then your crop will get pollinated

It can pop during the night while your sleeping then you wake up to check on them just to see it has popped and got all your girls pregnant

If you know you have a male for sure then yank it , unless you want it to get seeds
+rep man thanks i already yanked them i was just wondering when it has been too long and from what i know i dont think any of the balls popped but it sure will suck if 1 did


Well-Known Member
If one male dropped polen usually only the girls right next to the male will be seedy, others will have minor seeding, unless the males were giants,then u have worries.


Well-Known Member
see how the top one and the bottom one are open like a star almost , those are open

got the pic from fdd`s seed production territorial
