question about mushroom flashbacks ?


Active Member
whatsup everyone this is my situation ive taking mushrooms about 10 times and ive never had a crazy amount i take about 1.5-2 grams at as time but i sometomes see colors growing and shrinking no judgement in distance but nothing actually crazy like faces or shit but everytime i have a lag to things like i move my hands around and its still dragging from the left when its on the right and black things almost comet looking objects shoot quickly across my vision and now when im just chilling at random times just the lagging and black things start happening frequently and i dont know if these are flashacks or what can they be? thanks in advance everyone i don't know if this is good


Well-Known Member
When was the last time you shroomed? In any case I wouldn't worry about it. It's probably just your brain playing tricks on you. I've never done under 2.5 g's at one time and I'm totally fine.


Well-Known Member
I have visual... "tracers" sometimes, but I can't attribute these simply to mushrooms as I did a fair a mount of white blotter in high school (30 tabs or so over 3 years). I had tried mushrooms a few times by then but they just weren't around much in our circle. The first overwhelming one I had experienced was actually when I was taking my ASVAB test to get into the ARMY. Was sitting in a pure white room staring at a blue computer screen for a couple hours and I looked up and things were happening everywhere. Mostly little 'color comets' flying around and there were hundreds I'd say...

I couldn't smoke in the ARMY (obviously) so that's when I started getting more into mushrooms as we could get the best there was to get in Amsterdam, and I never noticed any increase in the amount of visual tracers or the frequency of them. To the contrary, I actually notice less of them nowadays. I always dosed heavy on them as well, because I'm a visual kind of guy, the more colors and shape shifting the better for me! You wanna see some colors, try Pan Copelandias! :hump:

I wouldn't worry too much about the residual effects of shrooms, or how much you take when you do dose. IME, Cubensis aren't nearly the strongest psychedellics out there and for me, have some of the least amount of undesireable feelings associated with them, both when on them and after.

+1 for your own mind playing tricks and perhaps... being scared enough to 'see' things?
I would have to ask if you have used any other drugs besides cannabis? Psilocybin naturally evaporates from the brain, you shouldn't worry too much.
I would focus on ingesting a very healthy diet, vitamins, minerals and possibly some super foods and alot of exercise.

Ive tripped about 100 times on LSD, DMT, Mushrooms ( combined alot of them ), I had a terrible amphetamine and ecstasy problem + alot more.

Living a healthy lifestyle brought me back to normal if I can you can.


Well-Known Member
Never heard of shroom flashbacks...I've eaten so much L tho I can watch things move when I'm sober..someone told me psychedelics teach your brain to trip,once taught,those doors are open,and once in a while your brain walks through those doors for no apparant reason,and ya have a little trip..if I stare at anything it will eventually start moving and stretching like I'm tripping a little..I call em 'free ones'


Well-Known Member
Never heard of shroom flashbacks...I've eaten so much L tho I can watch things move when I'm sober..someone told me psychedelics teach your brain to trip,once taught,those doors are open,and once in a while your brain walks through those doors for no apparant reason,and ya have a little trip..if I stare at anything it will eventually start moving and stretching like I'm tripping a little..I call em 'free ones'
It can be fun some times, but mine has been flaring up a lot lately. It can get annoying some times. I mainly see splotches of colors. Like little yellow/blue/purple blobs. The blue mainly.


Active Member
iam perscribed percocet and xanax and i smoke alot of bho i never encountered anything until the last 3 times i took mushrooms it doesnt get annoying or bother me its just all of a sudden everythings weird i just hope it would never get worse than this


Well-Known Member
The things you explained are perfectly normal even for someone that has never ever tripped. You can get permanent side effects..... I know that from experience........ but the things you typed about are things I've noticed even when I was 3. Long before psychedelics.

Super Toker

Active Member
I used to eat from 4 to 8 grams of shrooms quite often when I was younger and whole or half pods of belladonna or jensen seeds too and I see shit run across the floor from time to time or a wall move but It rarely happens any more. It didnt bother me when it happened, Id laugh about it and still do. On the little black seeds I would trip for a very hardcore 3 days non-stop. You get cotton mouth,a headache,drunk staggering and then it on like a nitro fueled car.Its definately not for the weak minded person. I can still find the pods growing wild to party on but Im getting up in age and have grandkids and cant be partying that hard anymore but I have great memories,LMAO.


Well-Known Member
Trails and tracers can last for years but for the most part they are simply a sensitivity issue, you likely have ALWAYS seen them but never realized it but now you do, it is a form of persistance of vision, just as you see a blotch of color after you have looked into a flash bulb for a few minutes. In a normal individual, there is no such thing as a "flash back" that is strictly drug related. All life altering situations set the mind up for "flash backs" but they are only thought of after hallucinogenic experiences and I don't know why. A guy spends years finding himself reliving a shattering episode in his life, like seeing his son cut in half by a semi or his best friend gored by a bull - he dreams about it and experiences it and they call it post traumatic stress disorder but when it is a breathing wall or a chair walking across the floor, why it must be drugs still residing in one's spine.

I recall going to church with the family on the day after a religious experience on LSD - and watching the pews expand and contract and people's faces contort even though I knew for certain that there was no LSD in my body but I didn't much worry about it. In fact were I you, I would enjoy that little freebie sideshow and know that before long everything will settle down. Take my advice and don't vest too much importance on your perceptions of normality - it isn't what it seems and wasn't even before you took your first dose of hallucinogenics. Better in your life to be frightened by certitude, that one will get you every time.