Question about Nutrients during flower stage


Well-Known Member
So I am currently on my second grow using the same general hydroponics line grow-(veg) and bloom(flower) also floranectar(flower) and cobra micro nutrients(veg) basically asking is there anything well known out there that really gives the flowering stage a kick I had a yellowing problem with my first grow but it was crap it could have just been stress eh :P
I would recommend using some EM-1 microbial innoculant. It helps maintain and promote healthy soil structure and root growth plus it contains molassas which is a bonus. Also, fox farm cha-ching is a good thing to have around. It increases your trichrome production quite a bit and makes them finish super frosty. The if your leaves are yellowing (not brown and crispy from nute burn) you may want to increase the amount of nutrients you use. Your plant may be taking the nutrients it needs from its fan leaves when the soil runs out. Im not 100% sure without pics but thats my thought