Question about percentage of males


Active Member
ok people working from seed. is there any way to estimate your percentage of male to female plants you get? just trying to see if i should start a certain amount of plants to try and end up with around 10 female plants? done a couple grows with fem seeds but would like to try just regular for a cost savings.


bud bootlegger
on a purely statistical stance,, your chances of getting females vs males is 50%, but you should have better odds than that.. but to be on the safe side, i would plant and do try to plant double the amount of seeds that i hope to get females .. or you could always plant two seeds.. grown them for a bit, take a clone from them, flower the clones to see the sex, and than if one is a female, go back and use her as a mom and take a bunch of clones from her.. this way you are only using two seeds out of a pack to get as many females as you want instead of possibly using a ten pack to only get five girls if that makes any sense..

Am I Norml

Active Member
on a purely statistical stance,, your chances of getting females vs males is 50%, but you should have better odds than that.. but to be on the safe side, i would plant and do try to plant double the amount of seeds that i hope to get females .. or you could always plant two seeds.. grown them for a bit, take a clone from them, flower the clones to see the sex, and than if one is a female, go back and use her as a mom and take a bunch of clones from her.. this way you are only using two seeds out of a pack to get as many females as you want instead of possibly using a ten pack to only get five girls if that makes any sense..
that was exactly what i was gonna type...
GET OUT OF MY HEAD !! :wall:

lol :bigjoint: