question about watering

My vegg plants are in 3 gallon pots, and about 20 inches tall,,,,how much water should they get when i water play it safe i have been watering a little every day and monitoring it,, my flower room plants are in 5 gallon buckets.. i want to feed them on a regular schedule,,i feed them as needed.. a little advice would be cool,,they are healthy and growing and budding nice just want to feed them a few times a week, i have also been feeling the wieght of the pots for moisture..

Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
I generally like to give it a couple days between waterings, all plants and conditions are different though. If the roots have filled up the pot you will need to water more frequently so as they get older they will need more water. Giving them time in between waterings allows more oxygen to the roots and they will grow more profuse seeking water in deeper soil. The plants I had in 5 gallon pots I would need to water almost only once a week but I generally tried to water every 4 days or so. Later I grew some in 3 gallon pots and noticed how much more I was watering and a couple of times the plants had started to wilt on me. It's not very humid here so that's one factor but every 2-3 days sounds about right to me. Just make sure when you water you give enough water to saturate all of the soil and you will be better off than giving less water more often.
thanks.. so when u say saturate the soil, like until it comes out the bottom? So 5 gallon bucket, when i water should i water 2.5 gallons of water. it is kind of humid in my grow room i try to regulate, and now that you say that i think my pots are too small, i have 3 8 weeks into flowering that are in 2-3 gallon pots, they are all 24-28 inches tall,,


Well-Known Member
a gallon of root space for around each foot of height sounds about right actually. a bigger container wouldnt hurt, just make sure you dont water too often, if you start to see the signs back off on it. I wouldnt water everyday unless your sure the soil is drying out in that time, my 3 gallons take about 4-5 days before watering again due to the high humidity lately.