Question about Yield.

Just a quick question for you indoor grows.
I'm planing of starting up again but indoors. Soil at first then maybe hydro.

On your indoor setup what is the Yield of weed you get from each plant?

Bonus, what type of weed are you growing?


Active Member
Depends on the strain, the size, the lights, your setup overall and your own level of expertise. Thats one 'hard to answer' question.


Well-Known Member
It's like asking people who grow apple trees , How many apples do you get ?

It depends on a lot of factors , Me and Steph above might both grow the same strain ... but i have a 600w light and he has a 1000w ... his yeild is gonna be bigger than mine ... I might have better control over temps ... so mine will be bigger than his , We might both have the exact same set up and i use a bubbler in my water ... and so on .

The breed im growing now is Pot of Gold ... It's reputed to yeild 5 ounces per plant ... but i know people who get more off it ...and people who only get 3 - 4 ounces .

It's about what you do and how you grow ... attention to detail and getting all the combos right :)

Hope that helps

Good luck with your indoor :)