Question cuttin yellow/spotted leaves


So my gf has this habit of cutting every leaf dat looks too yellow or rusty or spotted she cut either the whole leaf wit the steam or sometimes part of the leaf like the tip or half the leaf

My question is, what damages of any can be caused or what issues does it create her doing this should i stop her. Or does it benefit my budds


Not likely causing any damage, but unlikely to have any benefit either. If it's just minor deficiencies, sometimes the leaf can actually recover and continue to grow. Otherwise the plant will salvage whatever it can from the leaf, and then it will fall off very easily or by itself.


Active Member
So my gf has this habit of cutting every leaf dat looks too yellow or rusty or spotted she cut either the whole leaf wit the steam or sometimes part of the leaf like the tip or half the leaf

My question is, what damages of any can be caused or what issues does it create her doing this should i stop her. Or does it benefit my budds
i actually will do the same thing if i have a deff and once i start to correct it and see the new growth is ok ill remove the few leaves that are showing though there are a few examples where not removing the defficient leaves can be more beneficial and they will comeback around for ya when taken care of correctly showing that you have met there needs


Well-Known Member
I can't believe what I'm reading here....
What woman wants to walk around with her tag sticking out of her shirt, or a finger nail half painted and jagged.
Your gf is just helping another woman look her best. Letting her know there's lipstick on her tooth and fixing her collar.

Mmmmm... Now don't she look nice?

hehehe I've never had a problem pulling off part of a leaf or a whole leaf if it's not going to do the plant any good. I tear cutters or regrets. I've found yellow and brown leaves seem to attract bugs and undesirable comments and looks from other growers... Self esteem is important don't ya know. So let your gf pop her friends zits and enjoy the riches of being surrounded by all your fabulous looking ladies.



Well-Known Member
I can't believe what I'm reading here....
What woman wants to walk around with her tag sticking out of her shirt, or a finger nail half painted and jagged.
Your gf is just helping another woman look her best. Letting her know there's lipstick on her tooth and fixing her collar.

Mmmmm... Now don't she look nice?

hehehe I've never had a problem pulling off part of a leaf or a whole leaf if it's not going to do the plant any good. I tear cutters or regrets. I've found yellow and brown leaves seem to attract bugs and undesirable comments and looks from other growers... Self esteem is important don't ya know. So let your gf pop her friends zits and enjoy the riches of being surrounded by all your fabulous looking ladies.

well put


Well-Known Member
IMO you need to address the issue.

If you don't address the spotting it will continue until your gf has stripped every leaf off.

Usually spotting is related to Ca and Mg.

Resolve the issue and your gf won't need to pull any more leaves off.
