Question for all you bagseed growers


Active Member
Greetings, due to my curent financial situation I am unalbe to grow anything besides bagseed however I have never grown it before. I also cannot grow anything with a stong odor. So my question to you all is how strong on a 1 to 10 scale 10 being strongest was the odor of the plant you grew useing bagseed.

Thank you for your time

And now a little of my own talking

I get annoyed hereing people praiseing how good Peter Tosh's song Legalize It is but never giving any respect to his in my oppinion much greater song Bush Doctor about the same topic. Dont get me wrong im a huge roots fan and I love Peter but I think Bush Doctor deserves to get mentioned at least once when talkign about reggae songs about the herb.
check it out



New Member
Mine always smelled the most while they were in flower and the lights were off. I think all of them smell eventually.

I took 3 seeds out of the same bag and grew 3 plants that were completely different from each other too.

Growing bagseed is a lottery, sometimes you hit it big, other times you don't. The weed always turned out better than the bag it came from though.


Well-Known Member
Your plant will stink during flowering. It's unavoidable. The only question is what you do about it.