Question Jiffies in E&F systems


Well-Known Member
oh by the way, what i'm planning to do is put the germed seed into a jiffy and put that jiffy into a 3" crodan cube. my problem is that i still got 3" once but no 1 3/4" once for the hole of the bigger ones. my local grow shop owner got busted for growing:( so i can't resupply at the moment, at least not fast and i would have to buy on the net (and to be honest, i'm not ready to pay the prices they ask for right now) but i have a pill of jiffies which i use to grow tomatoes with indoors for summer. sot that is how i end up with the idea to use jiffies in E&F sys.

So basically my question was if anyone mixed jiffies with crodan cubes so far:D