Question , need advice please.


Hey all ...
10 week old just going to flower indoors .
My 2 lower main leaves look bad....cut 'em or let it ride ?


Well-Known Member
Pic would help but if vegged for nearly 10 weeks it’s gonna be a big plant. If it’s just the two lower leaves that’s normal and would pluck. I would probably clean up the bottom 1/3 of the plant if it was me


Active Member
So much watering and not so much nutes, cannabis is a tough plant, let her have some... roughness, they will be more robust, let her ask you for water and nutes better than feed/water her with no sense.



Active Member
idk how your grow place is, or nothing about the strain in there, but let it grow 2 nodes more and then remove the first one, is the next thing in my book if it was my plants, from there you would like to do some LST, which in my book is mandatory 99% of times. I like always to compensate the apical dominance with the entire plant, I love scrog and LST, it depend on strain if I go more on scrog, LST or even topping, pure sativas I always topping/mainlining them, all the others I try has hard as I can to go just with LST/scrog.


edit: Sorry my english is not good enough, when I said to remove the first node, I mean the lower one, the older, he is very close to the ground, I like, and plants like it more, to have nice ventilation under the plant, not to mention that light is not gonna get there well and nothing good is gonna grow there, while still is gonna consume nutes/energy that can go to more prosperous parts of the plant.
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Active Member
Don't worry so much, cannabis is a hard plant, I wish all plants was the same, the best setup is incomplete without experience, sadly experience comes only from... Experience xD, nice thing is, learning curve is always funny in the long run and it make you very confident
