Question on crop relocation?


Well-Known Member
What's up big dogs just moved out of my two story duplex in pueblo and got me a new spot at these apartments in Colorado Springs finally I'm back home woooooo :clap:what would be the best way to move my whole operation to this new spot without detection and damaging of plants cycle my veg crop are 3 to 2 ft tall and bloom crops about 5 to 4 ft tall?


Well-Known Member
I had to use a uhaul recently to move my plants/grow.... I hope you find a cheaper way or know someone with really tinted windows. Welcome back home though....


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the green welcome sahtiva god I'm stuck on a stack of paper work These new apts are stricter then a mofo I might have to lower my plant count definitely won't be using my 1000k in my new spot it's smaller then my other duplex but I'm just glad to be back so Ill be selling my system on Cl and buy me a Quantum bad boy t5 to add to my other hydro farm t5 I got I can produce some dank with t5s just until I get on my feet and save up for my own house.


Active Member
uhaul ftw

if you need to carry plants out in 'the open', their wardrobe boxes are great. those boxes can also be useful as a drying 'closet' in situations where space is at a premium.

remember that getting up to 36 hours of uninterrupted darkness isn't nearly as damaging as even a short flash of light during the 'night' for your flowering plants ;)


Well-Known Member
Thanks brothers just rented the truck you guys rock my plants socks fkn nice much love to all of my mile highersss!!!


Use your fine fluidal spiritual powers from your brain to avoid detection from neighbors my brother - edit - you'll make it ;-) peace in wisdom, saalome , omfalon murado


Well-Known Member
It's going good dog just getting my deposit back from this bitchy landlord could use it to pay some ish in advance did you start the cure yet.