Question on fimming gone wrong

hey i have one plant just put in flower tho it vegged a good couple weeks after the fim.

i musta fimmed wrong cause the main growth shoot grew back tho 3 sets of leaves were half cut now its back to normal full length nine blade leaves.
not only did the main shoot keep growing but the side shoots shot up as well.

i should explain i have a mh but i think its mostly genetics but i vegged till about 6 inches before i fimmed but in these 6 inches there were prolly 8 - 10 nodes. my plant was very compact but lush and leafy. i fimmed and the growth stopped for a day or so after then i noticed the shoots comin up from the very bottom set up. the stems on the side shoots have become quite thick and strong as well. also the main stalk into the soil has greatly increased in size (3/8" -> 3/4" dia.)

now i think im gonna have like 8 - 10 colas (no cam for pics at the moment:-(.) not to mention the main cola still growing, not that its a bad thing. like i said after about three sets of half cut off leaves that still actually grew despite bein deformed i've got another three sets of full nice fan leaves on the main cola and 8 shoot growing upmaybe more cause ive got the first three growing three on each side and its workin its way up plus the next three sets befoe they turn into tufts of leaf are startin to grow.

anyone ever heard of 12 main colas? or are these branches just gonna be small buds? cause there all pretty well even with the canopy i could prolly use to stretch and tie em apart a bit tho this plant is gettin dense