Question with a First time Aerogarden grower


Active Member
I have two plants growing right now in the aerogarden, One is just commercial Sativa and the other I think some commercial Indica I got from a friend. I thought I'd used my crap seeds before I tried my White Widow, etc. I'm into about 10 days into flowering right now they look great and JUST started showing signs of sex, I know one is a female for sure, the other is kind of hazy, it has these ball things growing out of it but it looks much different than any male pre-flower pics that I've seen, its more elongated with a tip. I'm hoping for a hair out of it.
My question is, how long should I flower for before I can smoke this shit? When its fully developed do I pic developed buds off of it and dry it, or do I have to take the whole plant and cure it?

I will post a pic as soon as I can, but its going to take some begging to the ol' ball n' chains (wife). She won't let me take any pictures of the plants!


Well-Known Member
it may be a hermie remove it or you may get super pollinated and end up with nothing but schwag!!!