Questions about Mold


New Member
Hey guys.
I'm nearing harvest (in about 2 days I'll do the first round), and noticed today that the very top of one of my plants was dry, and had some mold forming around part of it.
I quickly cut the whole part off, with some spare.
Then I separated the parts in the moldy areas from the parts that remained clean. However, the entire chunk is very dry at this point. I'm assuming the mold killed the main arteries and that this part hasn't been getting water and nutrients for a while now.

So first of all, pictures.

These are the chunks with mold. Some of it is like a greyish fuzz (seen here) and in other places it looks like little orange and while powder/balls. Anyway, couldn't get a good shot, but I hope this is enough:

These are the parts that were safely distant from the mold, but still dry. You can see the crystals looks really nice (also under the microscope):

So guys, here are my questions:

1) How dangerous is smoking stuff that has been close to mold in such a way? (the parts clear of mold are already dry. I'd like to try'em out)
2) The parts with mold, can I make oil with them in your opinion? (usually just chop things up, put in olive oil, leave in stove 160c for 45 minutes, drink teaspoon -> profit!)
3) How likely is it that other parts of the plant will be infected and what can I do about it? (It's worth mentioning that drying up like this would take days, and no other parts, even the part of the nugget this was cut out from, show any signs of any problem.)
4) Any additional thoughts would be quite welcome!

Thanks :D


Well-Known Member
1. Everything in life is a calculated risk, but smoking moldy weed certainly does not help the odds.
2. I would make oil with all of it honestly. The big blotches are just the parts that are easily visible to your eye. That shit is everywhere.
3. Very likely; not much without hurting the product if you are late in flower. There are plenty of products out there that are neem based and can be effective agains PM, but I don't think there is anything that is going to take care of that harsh of a case during flowering.

My advice is to make hash using ether a BHO or ISO extraction with all of it. I know you don't want to hear this after busting your ass on these plants for so long, but that could be very dangerous to your health to smoke. Make sure you bleach your grow area down, see if you can improve air flow, be proactive and use something like Azamax as a preventive throughout the grow up until buds start forming. I'm told Eagle 20 is very good against PM, but was also shown a study linking its use to cancer recently.


New Member
Bud rot sucks ass and it is really necessary to keep your relative humidity under 50 % when in the later stages of flowering . Sorry to hear of your dilemma but I myself toss anything with mold as it is contaminated just like food .