Questions about my HOBBIT White Rhino

I started this White Rhino from seed 5 weeks ago. I have it growing under a 150w HPS and 50w CFL 6500k, in a GH Waterfarm. Air Temps do not exceed 75F with fresh air exchange 24/7. The pH is around 6 flat and I change my water every week. The plant has roughly 18-20 branches, and because of its shortness it is insanely bushy. I have to pluck leaves every 3-4 days to curve shading of the lower branches.

The plant is very short in stature, more so than anything I have ever seen. If I didn't know any better, I'd say is a Lowryder type of strain, but its White Rhino. Is this height, or the lack thereof, anything to worry about? I topped the plant at the 4th or 5th node, I cant remember, and I got 3 tops instead of 2. I thought this was rather odd, unheard of? Its been 5 weeks and I would have imagined a larger plant emerging from the supplied lighting system and waterfarm.

Another question I have is more of an opinion among the forum. Should I start flowering? I would like to start the flowering process, but I fear the plant is too small and crowded for a decent yield. Your opinions are greatly valued.



Well-Known Member
she is ph/nurtient locked out. I would try to flush for a bit. I would never remove leaves. they produce the energy needed to grow buds. They also help with uptake of water/nutrients through transpiration. leaves are extremely important. I take it this is from greenhouse seed company. GHSC plants are usually weeker, less vigorous, and take some pampering. with that said you can still have a killer crop. I would leave her alone for a bit, stay on veggin to get her size up although you can flower her anytime after preflowers show, and flush. good luck and keep us posted!

dank smoker420

Well-Known Member
in flowering stage the plant can double or even triple in size. you can put it in flower whenever you would like to.