Questions about this plant: flushing, nute burn, trich maturity, genetics


Active Member
This came from a bag seed. Grown in a 6 gallon container with Burpee Organic soil and feed Fox Farm Tiger Bloom and Big Bloom during flowing, no added nutes during veg. The soil is coir based and has a decent amount of perlite.

At first the plant looked heavily Indica dominant with fat overlapping blades and tight 1/2 inch nodes. Vegged for 5 weeks (showed pre flowers at just over 4 weeks) but looking at it now the leaves look to be a closer to a 50/50 hybrid. It did nearly triple in size after switching to 12/12 and started budding two weeks after the switch. Any thoughts?

The plant is now at 51 days flowering. The last feeding was done at day 45 and leaf tips started yellowing a little more than was desired so it was flushed with 14 gallons of distilled water on day 47. The yellowing stopped progressing, but the plant still hasn't needed a watering since the flush. After looking at the trichomes maturity at this point it seems feeding may be stopped all together as it seems to be within 3 weeks of finishing. Any insight would be appreciated regarding maturity as trich pics are included. The trich pics were taken from a cut of suger leaf,

So my questions are: 1. If you had to guess genetics would you say this plant looks more on the sativa or indica side? 2. how mature do the trichomes look? 3. Would it be a wise choice to discontinue feeding, as the leaves are still very green even towards the bottom, although some of the bottom leaves are yellowing and dropping? Thanks


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Richard Drysift

Well-Known Member
Nice macro shots!...3 weeks is a good estimate of ripeness IMO. Possibly 4...I would be giving straight water starting maybe next week. You should only need about 10-14 days to get rid of any salts in the dirt. Saturating the pots won't help; flushing like that is a waste of water and doesn't help with trich production. I mean if you got a buildup of dissolved salts just water until runoff occurs but gallon after gallon is total overkill.
Give your plant desert conditions during this time..that means letting the soil dry out almost to the point your plants are ready to wilt. That will force the plant to make moisture for itself in the form of plant resin. So water light and less often; don't let the plants wilt over either just give them barely enough moisture to keep them happy and no more. Temps at this time is crucial for trich production & a drop in temps during dark periods can help increase potency to a point.
You can see the resin heads in your macro pics are tiny and clear. Keep an eye on those waiting for them to become more bulbous and then turn to cloudy then some will turn amber. Once you see a few Amber trichs you know you are in the harvest window & then you can chop whenever you feel like it.
Count your harvest window in weeks not days; it takes a solid 10 weeks to finish most strains so if you counted off 70 days from the day you saw white pistils emerging that's a good estimate for ripeness. 10 weeks seems like less time than 70 if you are at day 51 then another 3 weeks is right on the money.


Active Member
Thanks for the insight! Here are some fresh macros and a close up of a burnt leaf tip. Nute burn makes me super parinoid, but the slight burn on the tips doesn't look too serious does it? A cheap 30-60x loupe and zoom in helps get those pics. The glare of the lights makes it a little difficult for me to tell maturity. Maybe pics in shaded sunlight might be easier to tell clear from cloudy?

Generally it is watered every three days or so when the pot feels pretty light. About 3/4 to a gallon of water each watering.The last feeding spooked me so I did a flush, the only one done on this plant. There is minimal control over the temps due to certain circumstances. Temps range from 78-83 during light hours and 72-68 durning lights off.


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New Member
I'm no pro, but that looks pretty sativa to me, namely the long thin leaves. I'd wait till the trichombs are at least 50% Amber, and agree, probably 3ish more weeks to go. She's a pretty lady.


Active Member
I'm no pro, but that looks pretty sativa to me, namely the long thin leaves. I'd wait till the trichombs are at least 50% Amber, and agree, probably 3ish more weeks to go. She's a pretty lady.
Thanks for the reply. yeah I'm confused because she started off looking so Indica, but when I switched to flowering the leaves totally changed. You can see through these photos how the leaves shape seems to change. She does have a coffee smell with sweet fruity odor with a very faint skunk smell as well. was very low odor until a few weeks ago but still not nearly as pungent as most strains I've come across. The first real clusters of flowers were noticed on August 7th.


Richard Drysift

Well-Known Member
Thanks for the insight! Here are some fresh macros and a close up of a burnt leaf tip. Nute burn makes me super parinoid, but the slight burn on the tips doesn't look too serious does it? A cheap 30-60x loupe and zoom in helps get those pics. The glare of the lights makes it a little difficult for me to tell maturity. Maybe pics in shaded sunlight might be easier to tell clear from cloudy?

Generally it is watered every three days or so when the pot feels pretty light. About 3/4 to a gallon of water each watering.The last feeding spooked me so I did a flush, the only one done on this plant. There is minimal control over the temps due to certain circumstances. Temps range from 78-83 during light hours and 72-68 durning lights off.
A little nute burn is no big deal; she looks good and those temps are good too. When you get closer to your harvest window check trichs all over the plant not just one sugar leaf. The plants usually mature from the top down depending upon how they are lit. I think 3 weeks is gonna do her just fine & id say for sure she's a hybrid; be patient and happy growing