Questions about vaping weed.


I smoke weed everyday for my anxiety however I only smoke around a gram every three days. The problem is I'm smoking so much tobacco to consume such a small amount of weed. I've been thinking about getting a dry herb vape and wandering if anyone has any suggestions. My budget would be about £50 if this is impossible I will just have to wait another month. I don't completely understand how it works when you are vaping the weed. Do you have to finish smoking what you put in it straight away or can you smoke it over a couple of hours if you only have a drag or 2 at a time. During the day I just stay a bit buzzed because I'm a carer so can't be too stoned. Sory this is long
I'd say .. Do whatever the fuck you want. But looks like you're in Europe. Americans.... I'd say 50% of them work high on the job. Most of them take a hit off the vape pen right in the fucking markets... and if you can get a vape cart, they will last a good long while.
Dry herb vapes are great, especially for flavor and effect if you get the right one. My lungs are happier too.

Battery life, something that's not a lot of plastic near the oven, short heat up time, and easy cleaning...these are some of the important things that make a good vape.

When it comes to how to use one, start and stopping? It depends on the vape. It's usually best policy to pack what your going to use at that moment. With some its easier to do a small one or two rip pack while going high heat and getting a quick session in.

I'll give a warning though it's a different experience to smoking cannabis. Less "clouds" but still smells like herb.

Also do some googling for "best dry herb vape 2021" check what's out there and read the breakdowns of vapes in your price range.
save up for longer and get a storz and bickel mighty or crafty; you can hit the same dosing capsule more than once though you will lose some during the cool-off in between uses. use your lower temp in the first round and then you might bump it up for the second one, but higher temps change the cannabinoid composition and the resultant effects/experience.

you might consider not hitting the tobacco any more. they just found a link between nicotine and type two diabetes. so add that to heart disease and lung cancer and you're looking at a pretty significant impact profile, just food for thought.

:peace: be easy
save up for longer and get a storz and bickel mighty or crafty; you can hit the same dosing capsule more than once though you will lose some during the cool-off in between uses. use your lower temp in the first round and then you might bump it up for the second one, but higher temps change the cannabinoid composition and the resultant effects/experience.

you might consider not hitting the tobacco any more. they just found a link between nicotine and type two diabetes. so add that to heart disease and lung cancer and you're looking at a pretty significant impact profile, just food for thought.

:peace: be easy

Great info. The Mighty or crafty are the best on the market but the size is a bit big for me while on the go. Still worth it but every vape has its pros and cons. I use the arizer solo II and it's still kind of big but it works great. I'll start at 375F for tasty rips and bump it up by 5 degrees over a 10 min session till I'm at 400F where puffs have gotten much more stoney.

I have a friend who just can't spend that kind of money on either of those and I think he uses the force 2 and likes it a lot.

best to save up and get the right one.
I smoke weed everyday for my anxiety however I only smoke around a gram every three days. The problem is I'm smoking so much tobacco to consume such a small amount of weed. I've been thinking about getting a dry herb vape and wandering if anyone has any suggestions. My budget would be about £50 if this is impossible I will just have to wait another month. I don't completely understand how it works when you are vaping the weed. Do you have to finish smoking what you put in it straight away or can you smoke it over a couple of hours if you only have a drag or 2 at a time. During the day I just stay a bit buzzed because I'm a carer so can't be too stoned. Sory this is long

Wait a second. Are you mixing the weed with tobacco?

Have you ever thought about just consuming edibles?

I hate vaping flower. I can't feel the hit and I even though I'm high I'm questioning if I am or not the whole time.

I also hate vaping. Give me a joint, freshly loaded pipe, clean bong, and a lighter any day.
I hate vaping flower. I can't feel the hit and I even though I'm high I'm questioning if I am or not the whole time.

Correct pack, not too much and too tight or too little and loose.

Right temp range

Right draw

Vape effect is strong when done correctly and not hard to learn but not everyone will love it.

I still have my bong, papers, and dugout for other occasions because they're good too but my lungs do appreciate vaping plus the flavor.
Correct pack, not too much and too tight or too little and loose.

Right temp range

Right draw

Vape effect is strong when done correctly and not hard to learn but not everyone will love it.

I still have my bong, papers, and dugout for other occasions because they're good too but my lungs do appreciate vaping plus the flavor.
I've dry vaped all sorts of ways, but it just doesn't do it for me. I don't really like the taste either. I enjoy the smoke's mild scratch. I feel like it's a loffa for my lungs. I don't knock anyone for vaping flower, but when someone breaks out their device I'm just like eh. I do vape e-liquid that I make, and I like dabbing. I'm not again vaping altogether.
I smoke weed everyday for my anxiety however I only smoke around a gram every three days. The problem is I'm smoking so much tobacco to consume such a small amount of weed. I've been thinking about getting a dry herb vape and wandering if anyone has any suggestions. My budget would be about £50 if this is impossible I will just have to wait another month. I don't completely understand how it works when you are vaping the weed. Do you have to finish smoking what you put in it straight away or can you smoke it over a couple of hours if you only have a drag or 2 at a time. During the day I just stay a bit buzzed because I'm a carer so can't be too stoned. Sory this is long

Get yourself a decent glass bong for at home, and something like the pic for out and about. (Just keep a bottle of water with you lol )

I bought the picture attached for a friend of mine. Works really well. Can be a tad warm due to the short stubby bottle for water etc but good enough for small rips.

I’m a vaper myself but I prefer bongs and BHO dabs.
I smoke weed everyday for my anxiety however I only smoke around a gram every three days. The problem is I'm smoking so much tobacco to consume such a small amount of weed. I've been thinking about getting a dry herb vape and wandering if anyone has any suggestions. My budget would be about £50 if this is impossible I will just have to wait another month. I don't completely understand how it works when you are vaping the weed. Do you have to finish smoking what you put in it straight away or can you smoke it over a couple of hours if you only have a drag or 2 at a time. During the day I just stay a bit buzzed because I'm a carer so can't be too stoned. Sory this is long

Have you tried dry herb vaping before? The people that don't like vaping have just as good of a point as the ones that do. The last thing you want to do is spend your hard earned money on something you may or may not like.

So if you have any friends that have a vape and will set you up well to try theirs? Best option to avoid wasting money.

Good second option, buy from a website that has an open return policy where you can try it and return it for your money back if you don't like it.
Remember back when people were using paint remover heat guns?

LoL how far back were people using that heat gun process?

My first "vape" was back in the 90's and it was something that looked like a light bulb socket with a glass dome around it. What a piece of shit that was! If you wanted to waste a gram of herb to not be sure you're high and a big headache, that was the rig.
LoL how far back were people using that heat gun process?

My first "vape" was back in the 90's and it was something that looked like a light bulb socket with a glass dome around it. What a piece of shit that was! If you wanted to waste a gram of herb to not be sure you're high and a big headache, that was the rig.
Around 2000. I remember some of those dudes were selling the leftover weed to "custies."
Yeah I had one in 2002 or 2003 that was basically a soldering iron with a little dish on top and a glass globe that went over the whole thing.

So much easier to just use a meth pipe.
Get yourself a decent glass bong for at home, and something like the pic for out and about. (Just keep a bottle of water with you lol )

I bought the picture attached for a friend of mine. Works really well. Can be a tad warm due to the short stubby bottle for water etc but good enough for small rips.

I’m a vaper myself but I prefer bongs and BHO dabs.
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That doesn't look safe to smoke from, based on the materials it is constructed from...
Vaping seems to provide a disassociative high, similar to tinctures. Nowhere near as enjoyable as smoking.
There are tons of foolproof ways to smoke weed without tobacco. Most countries do not mix the 2. I'd say start with a glass blown bowl or a small glass bong and take a 100% weed rip, see how it goes!