Questions on harvesting my plant


New Member
Hello this only plant is my second grow, its been flowering for quite a while, I have not been keeping track but I can guarantee that it is atleast 2 months, Anyway my question is, I have a bunch of good looking ripe for the picking nugs, orange hairs everywhere, but I also have nug sites that are mostly white hairs, The majority of nugs are looking good to go, but a select few Im worried if im cutting too soon, should I just say fuck it and harvest a few white haired nugs? should I cut off what nugs are done and continue to let the white haired ones grow? Pictures of ready and not ready bud sites



New Member
all strains are different but don't ignore any part of it but also don't go by just one thing. I go by trichs, hairs, but mainly when the pods get swollen. if you have some that arnt ready leave them on there to grow and mature, that's what I usually do and the ones that arnt ready seem to get more faster because there getting more focus from the plant as well as a lot more light! ends you with a higher yield just not all at once.