quick dry


New Member
i had to take yet another small sample today. i dried it out in the microwave and all the crystals went away:cry:. i was like wtf????? id never noticed it do this before in the many times that ive done this.......:spew:
ive waited a bit and most of the crystals came back.
why did it do this? is it because the moisture coming out of the bud made them clear or something of that nature????:confused:


Well-Known Member
All the crystals were evaporated they exist now as a gas probably or as water vapour on the inside of your microwave(not such a good move), takes 3 months to grow it,why not give it another 7 days or so to dry it eh?

mind you i bet it tasted shit.............yuk.yuk.yuk


New Member
All the crystals were evaporated they exist now as a gas probably or as water vapour on the inside of your microwave(not such a good move), takes 3 months to grow it,why not give it another 7 days or so to dry it eh?
i usually end up running out of smoke the last week that my buds are harvested. so i have had to do this before and i never noticed it happen. this is also a different microwave than the one i used before. the crystals werent there:evil: when i took it out and now they are again. I thought that i origianally fucked up the piece of bud like u said so i threw it on my counter for the cat to play with because she likes weed. she started annoying me with it by batting it around the tile in the kitchen so i went to take it from her and noticed the crystals were back:hump:

mind you i bet it tasted shit.............yuk.yuk.yuk[/quote]


Active Member
I just use an inexpensive food dehydrator set on the lowest setting and in 24 hours or 8 (depending on the bud size, etc.)

When I hang out a full dry, I keep the dehumidifier humming and it seems to dry much quicker without any extra harshness.

I would never recommend microwaving bud.


Well-Known Member
microwaving to dry= bad idea.. If u must dry a small sample snip or grind it up and lightly grill taking out to cool a bit, then grilling a bit- rinse and repeat. -This will taste harsh and leafy. Ive also used a small fan heater and balanced sprigs in front of that- this takes a few hours but tastes much better. Then ofc you have the airing cupboard type area- this will take at least 48hrs to dry the smaller buds but is still 'quick drying' to me!


Global Mod, Stoner Chic
I have also tried quick drying in my convection roaster on the thaw setting for like 5 minutes. Still tastes kind of chlorophilly though. I did get a buzz but not the best taste. I would not recommend the mocrowave, it will fry the tricomes.
The best way I have to dry is in my cabinet. It was crispy dry last time in 48 hours. :peace:


New Member
i nuked it in the micro because I wanted a QUICK sample. not a 2 days @ the shortest sample. like i said i was outta weed man......i dont wanna wait for 2 days to get high, even if the micro does make it taste like shit, and ruin half the potency. I caught a buzz and thats what i was after.:)


Well-Known Member
little black box or black paper top of a hot lamp 20 mins time nuff said quick dry get high!!


Well-Known Member
foil on a heating pad flip buds every half hour for four hours:) close to real dried taste curing is still important...