Quick little DIY video of my Carbon filter


Well-Known Member
Check it out.

Cost me about $30 at Home Depot, $10 at another hardware store(prefilter) and $15 on Amazon for the carbon.

Pretty simple, and seems like it's going to do the trick.

$16 of activated carbon and $40 of parts ( according to your honesty). 1 hour to do (according to you) so we will say @ 15/ hour. So total cost no filter$71?

And for $100 you can get ducting, a fan, and pro filter with free shipping?

Love diy but this one just doesn't seem profitable for me. Good vid tho!

CAD for the DIY and USD for the linked setup. Good luck finding a supplier in Canada for anything under $200.

If you are close to the border you could buy that iPower setup and ship to a border store but add 30% conversion and minimum 8% tax.

Not only that but the DIY is ready to swap carbon. I know the bought ones you can do that with a little effort but this one you just roll back the nylon, unscrew the clamp and pop off the end cap.