Quick question about this soil! PLZ HELP!


Active Member
ok so my babies are almost finished flowering and i'm getting ready for my next batch, i used fox farm ocean forest on this one but don't live near any hydro shop (in the states) so i have to order everything and i just can't afford to order a small bag of ffof for 50 dollars with shipping right now. i know people on here say making your own soil mix is the best and cheapest way to go but i don't have any experience with that so im just looking to purchase soil from somewhere like home depo or lowes, because thats the only thing around me. my question is what would be the best thing to buy from there? i saw MG organic choice potting soil and i'm interested in it bc its cheap and it would be convient for me, has anyone used this and gotten good results? also does anyone know the ph of this stuff? if its crap let me know, any other advice on what would be better for me is greatly appreciated. thanks..:eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
ok so my babies are almost finished flowering and i'm getting ready for my next batch, i used fox farm ocean forest on this one but don't live near any hydro shop (in the states) so i have to order everything and i just can't afford to order a small bag of ffof for 50 dollars with shipping right now. i know people on here say making your own soil mix is the best and cheapest way to go but i don't have any experience with that so im just looking to purchase soil from somewhere like home depo or lowes, because thats the only thing around me. my question is what would be the best thing to buy from there? i saw MG organic choice potting soil and i'm interested in it bc its cheap and it would be convient for me, has anyone used this and gotten good results? also does anyone know the ph of this stuff? if its crap let me know, any other advice on what would be better for me is greatly appreciated. thanks..:eyesmoke:
do yourself a favor and avoid MG at all costs. get some black gold soil and some perlite and you will be good to go. I got some from Long's.


Well-Known Member
do yourself a favor and avoid MG at all costs. get some black gold soil and some perlite and you will be good to go. I got some from Long's.
I can't totally agree with this. I have used MG 3month release with very good results from seed to finish. Now in this case he may be right since they have already been grown in Fox Farms soil which I am using now. If you do have to use the MG I would not use any nutes since the soil already contains nutes... Its funny because I am conducting an experiment with both MG and FF this grow..only 2 weeks in VEG with some LST going on. I will be posting a journal when I find my camera... :peace:


New Member
If I was you, i would stop by your local nursery and see if they will sell you some soil.

It will be better than any store bought.

out. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
I can't totally agree with this. I have used MG 3month release with very good results from seed to finish. Now in this case he may be right since they have already been grown in Fox Farms soil which I am using now. If you do have to use the MG I would not use any nutes since the soil already contains nutes... Its funny because I am conducting an experiment with both MG and FF this grow..only 2 weeks in VEG with some LST going on. I will be posting a journal when I find my camera... :peace:
ok ok, MG is sometimes alright, I started some seeds in it and they rocked out, but for the general masses MG is just innaccurate and some strains no likey. I am excited for your results tho


Well-Known Member
Worm castings from nursery or on ebay, take up a hobby, vermiculture.
http://vermicomposters.ning.com/ social gathering of worm lovers.

You could learn about composting, a thermophilic compost occurs when the ratio of carbon to nitrogen is 30:1, with proper aeration or bulking it will heat up your compost pile. If done right you can have compost in a month, humus (black dirt) in a few months with vermiculture.
List of C:N ratios for various organic materials.

dirt clean

Well-Known Member
home depot has plenty of organic cheap safe dirt. They got real cheap Kellogs organic Soil and another product their organic compost for 7 dollars a 3 cubic foot. That is a bale, that is huge! Also another brand with the steer manure mixed in, in a white bag called earth or safe grow?

Anyway, look in the back of the garden dept of home depot, not the front. In the back they got the bales, and the compost, and the manure.

I mixed compost, soil, and manure. All cheap. Kellogs. It aint the best but they got other products. Also try adding some cocoa, it is like 10 dollars on ebay to get like a 5 gallon brick.

Mocha Rocha

Active Member
I just got some earthgro potting soil some earthgro steer manure and some perlite. What ratio should i mix them together? I also bought some Alaskan Fish emulshion should I put that in with the soil? Should I get some bone mean or worm castings? Do I put the seeds directly in this mix or start of with just soil? Been growing hydro inside but I want to learn how to do it outdoors in dirt. Any suggestions?


Well-Known Member
Super soil in the brown bag at home depot. Mixed with perlite.
Ny plants loved it. But it is stored outside so it tended to have fungus gnats.
Watering with neem seemed to control them.
It sucks foxfarm costs you so much it is awesome soil.