Quick Question


Well-Known Member
depends on how much room you have for plant height. If you veg until plants show sex and then flower it could be a month or longer, then flowering time can be between 8 weeks to 14 weeks depending on strain. that is if you are not worried about height. If height is an issue then determine how much space you have and veg 1/3rd of the total height then induce flower. Or you could LST if you are worried about height. Either way it sounds like you have alot of research to do. Start here GROWFAQ


Well-Known Member
Ten-twenty years, maybe longer.
How can folks ask this question over and over and over and over?

Veg a month, flower two. About 100 days*, round-trip (from clones)
*doesn't take cure into account


Well-Known Member
Meh, at least he posted in Newbie Central.

It all depends on how much you want to yield. If you don't want to have to buy ganja for a long time, then let your plant vegetate for 6 months and THEN flower it. If you're just looking to "give growing a try", or perhaps have a little personal stash of your very own home-grown, then give it a month or two, then induce flowering.


Well-Known Member
I suggest to induce flowering at 12" (about 4 or 5 weeks) and flower for 8 to 12 weeks, depending on the strain. My last grow took 16 weeks and 5 days from the day I planted the seeds. It was an indica; sativas take longer.