Quick Question


Active Member
My plants leafs have many little holes on them, at first i thought it was just from being in direct sunlight for too long but then i found some slugs on my baby:fire: So i covered the surrounding ground with salt and have not seen those little arses on there in a while, but yet the holes continue to increase and im very slowly loosing my leaves. The plant however is still budding and it has about three weeks until harvest, do you think this will have any effect on my plants harvest?


Well-Known Member
Ya i hate slugs going around eating your crop, if only they knew lol. ya usualy salt keeps them away, i think i remember hearing somewhere that pepper also keeps them away? as far as the holes go, you say they are getting bigger? maybe some kind of bug still eating, you could cut off the leaves with the holes and then not have to worry about the holes getting bigger and spreading to other leaves and possibly the bud. But it depends on how big the holes are getting, if its still small holes, and you got only 3 weeks left of harvest, dont even worry about, just let em grow and have a happy harvest. hope that helps :bigjoint: