quick question


Well-Known Member
All i got is a 400W MH bulb I'm just wondering how far away from seedling do i need to put that? I've had it pretty close but it seems to burn the hell out of em. I moved it to about 2 1/2 -3 Ft. away and it seems to be doing alright, got a fan on it and everything. Thanks for the help in advance.


Well-Known Member
I think no one has replied because you've kind of worked this one out yourself by the sounds of it.
New seedlings - 30"
After they get a few sets of leaves lower it so it doesn't feel to hot on the back of your hand when you hold your hand at plant level.


Well-Known Member
thanks man, i just popped back on here to see if i had gotten a reply yet. I'm gonna leave some pictures, pretty embarressed torched some of the burnt leafs there. Feel pretty bad about that, anyways here's the set up that i got at right now.
Started them in some happy frog soil and below that i have the ocean forrest, dont know much about them jiffy cups. This is day 6 for them popped almost 3 days ago. Any help would be appreciated, and come on dont tease me i know i'm new at this. Thanks



Well-Known Member
it can happen to all of us Scoob. I burnt the first leaves off some seedlings the other day because my cab overheated and I've been growing for 25yrs.
Yours look better than mine.