Quick Question


Well-Known Member
My plants are looking green and okay. But the leaves are starting to droop...do you think they need a watering?? They are about 16in tall and about a week into 12/12...I haven't watered them in 3days....should they be watered now or do they have to much water and need to be dryed out??


Active Member
My plants are looking green and okay. But the leaves are starting to droop...do you think they need a watering?? They are about 16in tall and about a week into 12/12...I haven't watered them in 3days....should they be watered now or do they have to much water and need to be dryed out??
Seeing as you haven't watered in 3 days and you've started flowering I'd say they most likely need water. Your plants are stretching now and could double+ their size in the first couple of weeks of flowering and will require more water than they did during veg.
To be safe though stick your finger down a couple inches into your soil is it dry? If so water. Is it really moist? Leave them be for a couple of days more.


Well-Known Member
Thanks alot Quagmire...I'll try that....one more question for you though..one of my plants at the very top have these three little balls..I'm not sure if thats were the little sub branches are coming out because I have alot of thoughs or is it turning male?? They havent gotten very big at all so im thinking i might wait a little bit longer to make sure


Active Member
Sounds like you've got a male but sometimes those girls will try to fool you.
I'd let it go longer to be a 100% another week or two and you should know for sure.


Well-Known Member
Alright thanks...I only have two so if this one turns out to be male I realllllly hope the other is female


Well-Known Member
if there balls period, its a male. females show little white hairs before any kind of pod structure. yank that fucker out before it ruins your crop


Active Member
if there balls period, its a male. females show little white hairs before any kind of pod structure. yank that fucker out before it ruins your crop
I have to disagree.
I've had plants I would have bet were male, only to have them show hairs later on...
Besides even if it is a male it's not going to ruin his crop yet it's only been flowering for a week.
I still say give it some more time to be sure. It would suck to toss a perfectly good girl especially if you've only got two plants goin.


Well-Known Member
he said balls though. and balls in cluster form are male pollen sacs. females show white hairs at the nodes before pod-like structures form. well at least in the hundreds of plants ive grown anyway. or maybe all my plants are special. must be