quick question.


Active Member
I have a 11/2 month old seedling who got stunted as a baby.
I used ffof soil which was to much for my little baby.
It hasn't grown for about a month now and it started some new growth just about 1week ago. So I though she was a survivor but the I started seeing the very bottom leafs turn yellow then dry out and die.
My temps are ok 75-85f
Really cold at night though 50-60f.

of course it got stunted in got the beginning because of over fertilization.

But what's cause the brown dried up tips and yellowing on the leafs
I was thinking zinc deficiency but what is that and how do you fix it thanks riu.
And please help asap.

Oh I am growing in a PC case with cfls.
And I have no idea what by humidity is or how to make humidity.
Any ideas on that will help too thanks


Active Member
I'll try an upload pics as soon as I get of work so around 10.
Yea I have another one but the reason I want to keep her her is that she's a smelly one =D


Well-Known Member
Without pics the only surefire problem you've listed is your night temps. Your night temp should never be 15 degrees lower then your day time temp, and your daytime temp should never exceed 85, even 85 is on the high side but it will be sufficient. So you say your daytime temp is 75-85, seems like a wide variation for daytime temps. And your night time temps are just way too low. To control the temperature, it can be as simple as running the ac and adding fans to pull in air from the air conditioned/heated air. If that isn't a viable option you can try getting a small space heater to increase your temp 10 degrees or so at night. From the temps you provided i think a 77-82 degree would be good for your day, which can possibly be solved by the ac and fans i mentioned. As for your night time temps, play around with a fairly powered space heater, better to get an overpowered one then an underpowered one because you can always increase the distance from plant to heater to get your temp where you want it. As for humidity, at wally world they sell these acura lite thermometer/hygrometers for 5 bucks. Put it in the grow room as close to the tops of the plants as you can get it and see what your relative humidity is, for veg a good humidity is 55-70 which really isn't a hard goal to hit, odds are your grow area is already in that range. For flower however, get it to 55 or lower, at 55% relative humidity fungi and mold can start to form and cause bud rot. That can be dropped with, once again ac (if you have an ac vent within 15 feet or so of your grow area), or a dehumidifier, if you get a dehumidifier dont go cheap and get the 30-100 dollar ones that dont work at all or only drop your humidity a max of 5% no matter what it is to begin with, spend the $175+ to get one that will actually pull a fair amount of humidity from your room. Hope this helps and good luck.


Active Member
i know sorry i didnt get a chance to upload last night here you go.
thats 1 of the bottom leafs left all the rest have dried up and fallen off.

Thanks Guccizilla for your help i am for sure going to wally world to get that little thermometer/hygrometers. i never test my humididty and i think thats why
i end up with airy buds and problems in my grow.
as for my nights i put the heater on last night put my temps up fast to 66f
i have my heater off right now because lights are on but not much change dropped down to 83f but i think that might not be the right readings
because i got this tempature needle a friend gave me from work and put it right next to the pot and it says 77f but it might be because i have a little pc fan hitting my plants.

my other baby is doing just fine with nice big healthy leafs i made a humidity dome for it last night made a square off of a hanger and put a clear rap around it then sprayed it with water.
and placed it over my pot.

hopefully we can solve this problem. also i dont test my ph. but i have purified water in my house basicly filtered water. dont know the ph. but i have grown with it just fine before?

you wouldnt happen to know what zinc defiecency is?


Well-Known Member
From the pics ive seen of zn deficiency, yours either has a zn def severely, or it has a nitrogen problem on top of it. In the future consider using mg/ffof soil for vegging plants, or buy vegging nutes, whichever you prefer. And if you wanna get your daytime temps down a little more from 83, adding fans in strategic spots can work miracles, i have 2 fans in my closet grow and i can lower my temp 3 degrees just by putting the stronger fan as my intake to pull all the airconditioned air from the outer room into the closet. As for the deficiency though try getting a 5-5-5 npk nutrient mix. Start at half strength(purely to be safe). If no problems occur from the first couple waters of half strength move on to full. Good luck.


Well-Known Member
oh wow just reread your first post, weird using ffof over ferted them to that extent, i use mg, which is even more inconsistent, and my first grow went fine, this one is being a little more of a bitch, but never that much of a bitch :/ i hope your problem gets fixed.


Active Member
Thanks you guys I went to buy myself a real thermometer other then the kitchen needle I had and temps were actually at 90f put another PC. And im working with 86f being the highest so that might have been 1 of the problem. I have some grow big which I just added 1tsp/gal and its looking good so far.

What is zinc def. Though.
Also I would like to do that put a PC fan to bring some cold a/c to the closet should I put it at the top or bottom.

What will be better
An intake or exhaust.
My setup is a cabinet inside the cabinet I have the PC box.
When I have the PC box out temps are perfect but I want to keep it inside the cab.
So should I put and intake in the cab to bring in fresh air for the PC box. Or an exhaust to take out the hot air the PC box is throwing.
also where should I place the fan on the cab. And thank you


Well-Known Member
I think its more important to have a fan blowing in, so long as theres enough open space for the air to escape. And it depends where your air would be escaping from, if its escaping from the bottom put the fan up more, and vise versa.


Guccizilla have you done much hydro. if so, I need help. Plants tips and sides of leaves are browing and look like just those pars are dying. I will upload pics in about a hour>Autojohn


Without pics the only surefire problem you've listed is your night temps..

Agreed, we put a simple mercury thermometer inside our pc box. Very simple, but very effective. We are new growers, but I have noticed that temperature control is very important for maintaining healthy plants. As we are in Europe I am sure our weather conditions are different, but we found that the psu fans worked great for ventilation and temp control. 20130316_043424.jpg

WE had some problems at the beginning with yellowing too. We found out that we were using way too much water. How often do you water the plant? Do you test the HP levels in the water. We found the plant grew a lot better once we started created ph balanced water. Any idea of the PH levels?