Quick words of wisdom/advice needed PLEASE :D

So here is my issue, planted 15 bagseed plants outside after germination and 3 weeks in solo cups, not sure about sexes yet, but i planted them all together in three columns 5 each, each plant in about 4 inches from the next, understand they are close but i was working with what i had for space, i used pretty good organic soil, the problem is i only had enough soil to make a layer of about 4-5 inches deep, the rest of the soil under is regular dirt im wondering if they will be able to break through the dirt under the soil to grow more or does anyoje think the root systems wont go any further... i thought after watering them the soil underneth would become soft enough for them to break through it? any input is greatly appreciated


Well-Known Member
You should space them apart atleast 3 feet away from the next.Also dig a hole and put good soil in the hole and re plant in the good soil if possible.Also I'm sure the roots will break threw and grow threw.
yeah i know about the space issue but for those its all i had, happy to hear they should break through, i have some more that im going to give ample space from each other with deep holes, good soil. but thanks, any idea with how close they are how they might turn out? with good conditions and what not?


Well-Known Member
I have no ideal.I've read that having them that close together the roots will grow with each other plants and strangle each other to death.But then again I've grown two plant together stems touching each other and they were fine.Good luck.


Well-Known Member
yeah i know about the space issue but for those its all i had, happy to hear they should break through, i have some more that im going to give ample space from each other with deep holes, good soil. but thanks, any idea with how close they are how they might turn out? with good conditions and what not?
Did you at least turn the soil under the ammendment you put down to loosen it? Hard to guess as soil conditions could be anything from hard packed clay to sandy loam to forest super loam, etc.

Under the "for what it's worth" thing, cannabis given time will practically uproot your foundation. So in theory it just depends on how strong they start out, attention given, and all that.

At some point, thin out the weak ones and males. Get more ideal spacing and then LST/train with the far flung hope of not having them over crowd each other. They will be competing off of each other etc. Good chance of losing them all depending on what situation this is. (As in, backyard daily attention vs weekly visit arid region guerilla ....)

Just some .02 cent out loud thinking mate. Too many unknowns to be spot on anything there.
ill be tending them at least once a day the dirt was already not that hard underneth the soil i put down i could easily push my finger into it so i thought it fine, just wanted some input though, and i figured i would end up with with more space in between them after pulling weaker ones and males, the few times ive grown theyve been close together and turned out ok, i always started late though so they stayed smallish, so ive started early in hopes they turn out larger :D