Quilting, African Violet, BDSM, Chess...

Kramer Chids

Active Member
I was thinking today that there are a ton of nice folks on here, especially in the Colorado section. So thank you for being cool and helping answer some of my questions and humoring me with nice comments on my grow even if you secretly roll your eyes thinking NOOB. :D

So my thought process today was too bad we can't have a Weed Growing Club. There are all sorts of quilting and old lady clubs. Harvard has their own BDSM club now. Chess clubs. Remote Control car clubs. African Violet clubs. Have you ever seen one of those? A bunch of old dedicated ladies trading hundreds of leaves and preening over their violets just as much as I'm sure we do with our weed. We need to have some sort of Colorado Weed Growers club where we can hang out, exchange ideas, stories, cuts, beans, whatever.

That's all. I was just thinking.


Well-Known Member
I vote for that as long as I can fire one up at the club house. The old lady won't let me smoke in the house, so I'm all vape, but I so miss bong hits... Don't even own a bong anymore.


Issue is this group is spread across the whole state, so web is best to stay connected and close.
But don't get me wrong there is def gatherings on a fairly regular basis, hard to get everyone together at once, but we can usually get a pretty big group together.Don't think anything is really in the works atm, but i know the maximum yield indoor grow expo is coming up soon. Really soon actually. I think it might be the weekend after this one. If anyone is interested i will get the info, you can get more free samples than you can carry, just ask all the guys who saw me carry the full, open bag of soil all the way to the car last year. :roll:

Kramer Chids

Active Member
I was just talking with Bubba about that show. It's open to the public on the 17th from noon to 5 at the Colorado Covention Center. Price is $10. I'm for sure going to hit that one.


If you look hard enough there is usually free tickets to be found, not that its not worth the $10. You do have to pay to park if i remember right though.


Active Member
Fear be gone fear be gone it is legal now relax not going to jail fear be gone. The last few decades were tough, I got a sore neck from looking over my shoulder all the time and the echos of paranoia are still there. I think the govenment should pay for the therapy we will need in the future from the trauma suffered during the years when it was illegal.:-P