R/O Water and organics


Active Member
Hey everyone, I have a question. I recently switched from hydro to organic medium with all dry supplements. Is it necessary for me to continue using reverse osmosis water, or can I just use my well water? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!


Active Member
If your well water is clean your good to go with it. I know mine has a water softener so that rules it out. Also, where im from its super hard like 350 ppm and pH is alkaline at 8. Do a water test. Are you weary of drinking it?
Hey everyone, I have a question. I recently switched from hydro to organic medium with all dry supplements. Is it necessary for me to continue using reverse osmosis water, or can I just use my well water? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
If you do continue to use RO water, be sure to lime properly in addition to using Crab Meal (23% Cal - 3% Magnesium)

Dank Raptor

Active Member
Tech support @ Earthjuice says to not use Ro water with their organic nutrients. The ph will not always rise when you bubble it if you dont use tap. I use tap and my plants love it. Roots are fat and fuzzy. (hygrozyme and benefecials) Like someone else said. Is your well water drinkable?


Active Member
Yeah, my well water is drinkable. I know my alkaline is a bit high, but I've always drank it with no problem.

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
First of all, if you've started out with soil that is properly pH adjusted, pH will be a non issue in any organic grow. Do not stress over the pH of what you are putting into it, because the pH of your solution will be "buffered" to that of the soil. Run off is an inaccurate way to check pH as well, since it has just "run through" the soil, and wasn't in contact long enough to be buffered.
To answer your question, no I would not used distilled or RO water with organics. The mineral content of your well water will contain essential trace elements and micro-nutrients needed by the plants. BTW, what dry organic ferts you using? Check out this line: www.espoma.com They are very inexpensive, and will give you STELLAR results. They carry the most complete line of organics imaginable. I keep a bag of the BioTone Starter plus, Kelp meal, green sand, and compost starter on hand.
First of all, if you've started out with soil that is properly pH adjusted, pH will be a non issue in any organic grow. Do not stress over the pH of what you are putting into it, because the pH of your solution will be "buffered" to that of the soil. Run off is an inaccurate way to check pH as well, since it has just "run through" the soil, and wasn't in contact long enough to be buffered.
To answer your question, no I would not used distilled or RO water with organics. The mineral content of your well water will contain essential trace elements and micro-nutrients needed by the plants. BTW, what dry organic ferts you using? Check out this line: www.espoma.com They are very inexpensive, and will give you STELLAR results. They carry the most complete line of organics imaginable. I keep a bag of the BioTone Starter plus, Kelp meal, green sand, and compost starter on hand.
RO does well with soils that properly mineralized with kelp and rock dusts..

Espoma tomato tone is really good stuff too. You should drop their compost starter mix and just use kelp and EM-X Ceramics or Bokashi :bigjoint: