Rabbit Food vs Rabbit Poo


Well-Known Member
I was thinking about making a batch of organic tea to feed to my vegging plants. I was looking at the various values I have gathered from this site about the NPK if different organic amendments.

Alfalfa Pellets
NPK 3-1-2

Rabbit Crap
NPK 2-1-.5

If these values are correct...the alfalfa pellets appear to have more nutritional value. Do any of you know...Is there unseen benefits in using rabbit crap over the cleaner and easier to use pellets. Thanks for any help.

dirt clean

Well-Known Member
I would think that the rabbit crap would have some bacterial appeal. Bacteria is what actually breaks down the NPK in the soil and a fresh shot from poop, castings, or compost is always a good thing. Use both. It wont hurt.


Well-Known Member
I would think that the rabbit crap would have some bacterial appeal. Bacteria is what actually breaks down the NPK in the soil and a fresh shot from poop, castings, or compost is always a good thing. Use both. It wont hurt.

I was thinking the same thing....:joint: