Rafter Room


Active Member
anyone ever tried growing in their rafters/atticS????
there are vents in the side which i could probably use for ventilation w/ tha use of a fan. only thing is there is no electrical outlet so i would have to install one but im no electrician....help. thanks:bigjoint:


Active Member
it would all depend on your height you have to grow in and who you have hook up your electricity and if you trust them. what does your temp getup to in there and height?


Active Member
well its really tall im guessing more than 8-9 ft so shouldn't be a problem....
as for the wiring, my girlfriends brother knows how to so i think he can help me out. he won't know what its for:leaf: cuz i will just set it up after its installed.


Active Member
as for the temps, i don't know exactly but in CA it stays pretty nice where im at. i'll put a thermometer up there and find out daytime/nighttime temp.


Well-Known Member
u might be able to do this during winter and spring maybe fall but def not in summer in cali will kill the plants


Active Member
plants like warm weather but as bomb said I would be worried about how hot it will get in the mid summer with the sun beating down on your roof. no reason not to try it now and see how it does. Electricity isn't that hard to do but it is better to have a good friend that has done it for a while do unless you don't mind getting shocked. It's just 110 right? That dosn't hurt much lol