Rain + nutes


Active Member
Hello i am growing a few master kush plans , and it has been raining these last few days , and the forcast says , tomorrow , rainy , then 1 day sun , then liek 4 days rain , and 1 day sun ......
And im growing directly in the ground , and i wanted to know if it would be allright to still feed it half a gallon - 1 gallon of water with nutes , after those rainfalls.

Im thinking that the most water woulda sank into the forign ground.
I jus want them to get the good stuff already .



Active Member
I would say as long as the soil doesnt hold water like a pond and has decent drainage you should be good to go. Good Luck


Well-Known Member
Werd, hpow ur soil out there? Clay? Rocky? If it drains well there should be no adverse side effects but if ur in clay I'd leave em be and let the rain do its thing


Active Member
well its kinda clay , it drains quick and drys quick sorta , beacuse it has tons of rocks in it , so its more of a rocky soil then anything with the addition of clay.

I think i will be fine , im sure i can w8 , but giving my plants a head start on there carbs and enzymes and nutrients can really benefit them early on.


Well-Known Member
I agree. Go ahead and feed them.

Drainage is the key.

As a general practice, it is best to feed liquid nutrients after a good watering, to slow down absorption.


Active Member
I just feed them 1 gallon each , of kinda strong dose , i hope they drink it all and blow up.
I had 4 half gallon jugs , and each had 2- teaspoons of each fertilizer . mollases , kelp/seaweed , fulvic acid , humic acid ,fish , bat guano , and amino acids.

If they drink all that , they will become super plants.

Just rained for 10 minutes just now , i think the rain passed from morning to tonight , lets hope its not to heavy.
Now im wondering if this will wash my nutes present that i watterd with would not be available anymore ?
Well i hope its drinking right now then. i will watter next week , i will update my grow journal that week or the week following .


Well-Known Member
i think that all that water puts the plant on suck mode-

give em the nutes when the ground is about 50% dry, the will suck em right up!


Active Member
i think that all that water puts the plant on suck mode-

give em the nutes when the ground is about 50% dry, the will suck em right up!
agreed - do a search for "riddleme make it rain" that has a lot of info on this