Rain Rot Prevention Ideas


This horse may be beaten in another thread but i cant find it. We all cringe at the thought of our babies succumbing to bud rot after a few days of hard rain. So im looking for any ideas you guys have to combat this. And maybe a veteran grower to write an article about treating and preventing the nightmare of bud rot.


Well-Known Member
i do alot of things . one i us raised bed. if you watch mold spread it strarts low and it works its may up. the higher you get your plants the better. anther is i treat for mold first before i even think about planting. i find wel draing arears. with the most sun. if not you have to make it. if its super wet summer pull back the mulch as soon as flowering starts. i also us sulfer to kill mold before it starts i ud mircal grow rose feed. i put that down first in spring. also feed your plants with cal mag. iv even covered my raised bed with [plastic to keep them from getting water. i find that if you beprive the roots of water the plant pulls in water more threw its leaves. using the water in the buds up. risky move tho and has to be done in the last4 weeks of flowering no sooner or it will kill your yeild not like its not going to hurt it already. but its better then sll mold. i also will cut out nugs in the middel of large colas to let air in if its raining alot. all kinds of things you can do if you learn what makes mold you can stop it.