Rapid decline of Plant and I am lost.


So here's the deal. 4th week flowering. Had salt buildup so I flushed with 6 gal of distilled water. At the end of the flush the ph going in was 6 and coming out a 6. I gave her some b vitamins, carboload, voodo juice for the roots but she is still fading fast.

I watered today with 1/4 nutes and the ph is about 5.5 -6
Should I prune the dying fan leaves? THey are the only big fan leaves left. All the others have died within the last week. If I prune them won't it affect the food production? I am lost here and really need some advice.



New Member
She was stressed because of the salt buildup. She needed a week or so of plain phed water. Instead you dosed her with nutes and more salts so shes still pissed...


Well-Known Member
I would just leave them be; The girl looks good, just a few bad spots.
If those leaves are going to die, they will. If they will survive they'll pull through, if it starts to spread then you got a problem.
the flush shoulda helped it:joint:


What should I do after cutting the leaves? Should I flush it again? Or just give it straight water for awhile?