Rapid Rooter /Help


Active Member
Looking for advice here on Rapid Rooter plugs using in a baby bubbler for clone /seedling,from seed they are now like 5 days , def 2 day behind with the over watering(stunted) I cant seem to keep them from getting to much water ,they really soak it up and are giving me issues (over watering) in my bubbler, if you use them tell me how because , I even set a timer for like 7 min per hr and still to much water ,even droped the water level in my bubbler still. just cant get a handle on these plugs , I pulled them out of the bubbler for now and I am just going to hand water, Im a def newbie ,grown in soil,water is new to me, You think I can just pull them out of the plugs and put them staight in to hydroton??, water temp 70-74 air temp 76-79 , PH 5.9 ppm 35 on .5 scale light 3x26w cfl


Active Member
ph doesnt really matter until roots develope and i would say not to put the plugs into a bubbler until you can transplant them into another medium. if u want to use bubble just go mediumless and I clone my plugs on a heat mat and water every 12 hrs by hand. no heat mat probally just once a day or mybe less


Active Member
My Ph and PPM are what they are (water from faucet) just trying to give as much info as I can , Yes took plugs (seedlings) out of bubbler now on dry tray for hand wartering, Have heat mat if need ,but temps seem to be ok air temp 76-79 f plug temp 70-71 f , rapid rooter plugs just are so dense and seem to hold a lot of water ,I gues its just a learning curve with these plugs , I have been keeping a empty plug in with the grow to just try to give me some sort of feeling for timeline of its evaporation rate , but really would like to transplant in to another medium ,but the stress level already has taken a toll and I really dont want to add more stress by undergoing a transplant.I was hoping to gwt some tips from people who use this medium (rapid Rooters) pros and cons ,hoping it would speed up my learning curve ,so I can keep the stress factor to a min. Thank for the time and info.


Well-Known Member
I'm using rapid rooters for the first time for a couple seedlings. They always seemed to be wither too wet (because they hold so much water) or too dry (because the air is very dry here causing rapid evaporation). So I put the rapid rooters in some mini-hempys and it's working great. Took a couple 16 oz pop bottles, cut the tops off, drilled a hole about an inch from the bottom, filled 2/3rds of the way with perlite & vermiculite, set in the rapid rooters and filled in around them. I still check on them once a day but have only had to water them twice in the last week.

redi jedi

Well-Known Member
I have done the same thing, its too wet. I now just put the plug and cutting in a 3oz cup and leave it for 2-3 days.