Rate My Grow - Any Advice Appreciated


Active Member
Picked up 5 clones 20 days ago. Here they are now. I've topped and LST'ed all the girls. Probably should have topped before LSTing. Oh well. Tops went into a humidity dome. First time attempting cloning. I got impatient and decided to take another round of clippings from them a week later.

Veg room is under x2 600W MISSYEE LED Lights. Feeding General Hydroponics with every watering in a light dose. PH 6.5. Might have over fed so I will give straight water next time. Some of the tips are a little burnt. Also the original leafs that were cut are showing sings of nutrient deficiency but I don't think I this is a problem as all of the new growth looks healthy.

Clones are under x2 2' fluorescent bulbs. Keeping temps in the dome to 70-74. Humidity 80-90%. After 6 days I pulled the first batch of clones out of the dome. They seems to be doing fine after 7 days. No roots yet. The first round of clones i made the mistake of squeezing extra water out of the rockwool. You can see they are a little deformed in the pics. I think they will be fine but might take a little longer to root.

Any thoughts on my setup? Thinking about putting 5 more plants in the closet in a DWC and try out SOG.

Wedding Pie
Rainbow Punch
Purple Punch
Staples OG



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