Re-re-veg Upgrading from Rubbermaid Setup to 400W MH/HPS Custom Cabinet Must See!!!


Well-Known Member
Ok everyone I finally got around to getting my new cabinet built today, it has a 400 watt mh/hps switchable bulb/balast.....I am up grading to this larger detup from my stealth rubbermaid grow.....

For this cabinet all i needed to purchase was

  • cabinet, was only $100
  • mylar (emergency blanket)
  • elmers spray adhesive (used to attach mylar to way better then tape trust me!)
  • some vent ducting (as you can see in pics)
  • springs to hold the doors closed from the inside
  • expandable spray on foam (to seal edges of cabinet inside)
  • the 400 watt mh/hps light and ballast are from my buddy....i get to use FREE of charge
  • gorilla tape
  • weather stripping (home depot window section)
  • New soil
  • Cookies and cream ice cream (just needed the half gallon bucket)
  • scotchbright clothes (for homemade carbon filter)
  • Active Carbon (found at the fish store)
  • 2 old humidifiers (tore them apart and used the fans inside of them)
  • an old extension cord layin around with a 3 outlet cheater plug

First things first, the cabinet was built, next we tore apart 2 humidifiers that had fans in them, took the fans aout and am using one of them to suck in cold air from the vent on the bottom, and the other one to push the air out of the homemade ice cream pale carbon filter straight out the top.....

took my ice cream bucket and cut out 3 triangle pieces making a peace sign so that when the scotchbright cloth and carbon are in there there is support along the bottom of the bucket...follow pics....i used 2 clothes one on the outside and one on the inside of the bucket.....

Got the fans tore out and mounted in the cabinet, then cut a hole in the top of the cabinet....
This is the bottom fan mounted on the inside

on the other side of this vent....

Then place the previously made ice cream pale carbon filter down into the fit perfectly...then put the other end of the ducting over the one fan and connecting to the hole that i just cut....seal it up well with the gorrilla tape.

Stood the cabinet back up and poured in the carbon from the top...

Then time for a smoke break...



Well-Known Member
Finished top compartment of cabinet showing exhaust vent, cheater plugs, and vertically mounted light...

Then comes the foam sealing and weather stripping....

These are the springs that are attached on the inside of the cabinet on both doors to hold the doors tight against the weather stripping for a really tight open you have to pull either door open an inch or two and unhook the spring

Cabinet all foamed and airtight ready for can also see i placed the extra board that im not using from the cabinet up against the back wall, since the back wall is made up of really thin tack on fake wood, so that i can mount a little fan next to the bulb since i do not have a cool tube..

Mylar put on with elmers adhesive spray....

Now placed the three beautiful re-re-vegging plants into their new home!!!!........friday or tomorrow will be 3 weeks since these have been re-vegging since i cut them down....up until just tonight they have been re-vegging in my rubbermaid setup....

Sorry i must not have taken a picture with the cabinet doors closed...ill get one up here in the next day or so...


Well-Known Member
Tomorrow these plants are going to get trimmed, since i haven't touched them since i harvested and put em back under light...they are looking like a lot of the old growth is dying off so i will take care of that tomorrow and also their root balls are gunna get cut back again and re-potted in some fresh soil....this is what i got anyone ever used it before????



Well-Known Member
Also I forgot to mention that these 2 fans out of the humidifiers haul ass! they each have more then one speed setting and force a shit ton of air in and out of the cabinet....the temps vary between 85 and the top of the cab to 70-75 at the bottom with no cool tube on the MH bulb


Well-Known Member
Looks great man. Definitely watching this one after seeing your Rubbermaid setup. If your still going to SCROG, you should get a reflector and mount your light horizontally. If it's in your budget of course..I know you said your using the lights or free.


Well-Known Member
YES!! I'm subbed, fo' shizzle!

I use MG Organic Choice in my microgrow. I've had good luck with it, but it is completely barren of nutes. I'm using Fox Farm Organic nutes w/ my grow and that shit works WELL. I had clear N deficiency in one of my plants and it bounced back in maybe 2 days after starting FF.

Great work, man!


Well-Known Member
so understood you are strapped for cash and thats why no hood...but are you not concerned of the light loss lumens??? can you not still mount it horizontal? let the mylar reflect back??? you could of just painted that cab bright white and receive better reflection......nice work though



Well-Known Member
Looks great man. Definitely watching this one after seeing your Rubbermaid setup. If your still going to SCROG, you should get a reflector and mount your light horizontally. If it's in your budget of course..I know you said your using the lights or free.

Hey thanks man....and i still havent decided if im going to scrog these plants again, i might just let them go how they are but we will see....also i do have the reflector and mounts to hang the bulb horizontally...i dont know if it would be better to do that or keep it verticle...i guess i dunno how much light im losing if any by doing that....


Active Member
looks delicious fishindog!, genius idea on the humidifierfans. i'm stoked to follow this grow every step, im sure we can learn from each other.. SUBBED!:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Hey fishin wicked setup. The rubbermaid was sweet, but this seems like it will be even sweeter. I would also recommend you go for a horizontal mount of the light. Mounted vertically the light only has one bright concentrated center for the plants to pull at. If the light were to be mounted horizontally the arc tube of the bulb, which is the brightest point, would be more evenlly distributed above the plants. You probably wont lose a ton of light but you will lose some efficeiny. The lady at my local hydroponics store strongly recommended I go with a horizontal mount when I was considering buying a vertically oriented reflector. I ended up taking her advice and I think I will be better off for it.

Good luck with this cabinet. I'm interested to see how the re-re-veg goes. They look super dense right now. Should look awesome after you thin them out a bit.


Well-Known Member
looks delicious fishindog!, genius idea on the humidifierfans. i'm stoked to follow this grow every step, im sure we can learn from each other.. SUBBED!:blsmoke:
Ya i know me and my buddy were just all stoned and just kinda thought of it weird how it worked...but turned out fantastic...those fans really really really blow air in and out of that box keeping the temps down perfectly...and ya we can learn from eachother blaze on bongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmilie

Looking forward to this, interesting to see how quick they'll re-re-veg
Hey yeldarb thanks for stoppin by and ya im interested to see how well this works too!

Hey fishin wicked setup. The rubbermaid was sweet, but this seems like it will be even sweeter. I would also recommend you go for a horizontal mount of the light. Mounted vertically the light only has one bright concentrated center for the plants to pull at. If the light were to be mounted horizontally the arc tube of the bulb, which is the brightest point, would be more evenlly distributed above the plants. You probably wont lose a ton of light but you will lose some efficeiny. The lady at my local hydroponics store strongly recommended I go with a horizontal mount when I was considering buying a vertically oriented reflector. I ended up taking her advice and I think I will be better off for it.

Good luck with this cabinet. I'm interested to see how the re-re-veg goes. They look super dense right now. Should look awesome after you thin them out a bit.

Ya i have really been debating the vertical mount...i was thinking of maybe vegging it vertical like this then go horizontal when i start to flower....just an idea tho maybe ill just flip it in the next couple days we will see


Well-Known Member
Update for today...the plants were re-potted in the MG with their root balls being cut back again...i will get some pics up of the re-potting sometime in the next couple days hopefully.....

And ya these plants are like little bushes.....they are so thick and i wish i would have taken a picture of the base of the plants to show you guys how crazy these things are getting....


Well-Known Member
Your revegged plants sure don't look like pot plants at first glance. I could walk right by those and not have noticed or recognized them. (as long as I couldn't smell them that is.)

Good luck on the grow though...


Well-Known Member
Hey man cool cab and cool plants for sure. Im trying to upgrade my 150 to a 400w but im concerned about my space. What are the dimensions of the cab you just built? How are the temps? Im def scribbed on this one!


Active Member
im comin over from the rubbermaid grow, no suggestions man, looks like you got ur shit handled lol, im here for the ride again, good luck man...

happy smokin...


Well-Known Member
nice did u reveg twice?? and if so did u notice any loss of potency?? because i read that when u reveg they lose potency.....