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Well-Known Member
Have Fungus Gnats.

Got 3 Photos in Happy Frog 5 gallon Fiber Pots under true 750W UPDAYDAY LED Light. Fed Rainbow Pro Mix Grow and Bloom.

Like I say Fungus Gnats. War is on. Peroxide, Diatomaceous Earth. Well Mosquito Bits will kill larvae.

Got some HMM only have half a bag. Dump it all in and soak them. Sounds good now going to kill Bugs.

Next day oh no I messed up. Read Instructions. Only couple Tablespoons per gallon of water. Let's try Worm Castings Tea.

I was really looking for them dead today. If they weren't Top them, repot them after I wash the roots and Revege them.

Had another Grower look at them. You should read Instructions first. Man thing.

Told him my proposal. Are you crazy? Pulls them out. Pulls bad Leaves off, ties them up. You didn't kill them and they actually look very good. 20230702_114304.jpg
spend 15-20$ for some Beneficial nematodes and use some yellow sticky traps if the fungus gnats bother you
the beneficial Nematodes are microscopic soldiers that murder all the larvae and end the existence of the gnats

the gnats for me are primarily in the beginning of the grow , and is due to decaying roots or other matter in the soil. it tends to go away once roots are established and the plant is sucking up water fast. If the plant is not being watered enough and then watered too much it can cause fungus gnats. Good luck!
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